Who Controls us -God or Godfathers?
Rajendranath Mehrotra
'Motivational and General knowledge/ awareness' topics at Independent Writing
In my view, since ages, we had been dancing to the tunes of a handful God Fathers;
Godfathers of Politics, Godfathers of Religions and Godfathers of Terrors including Mafia kings of all kinds.
It is only because we didn't want to control our lives ourselves, wanted to go through easy ways, did not want to become Godfathers of "Self" through our own inner power. We either failed to exploit our own potentials or did not want to take pains for this.
We were searching peace and happiness through "Outside In" route but did not adopt "Inside Out' route.
Saint Kabir had written..."Moko Kahan Dhundo re bande main to tere pass mein" meaning, "Where are you searching me, I am within you all the time".
Not that they are not needed or useful but handing over unconditional powers to them and unlimited powers to them to manipulate our lives, has brought us to this situation.
They forgot that we are the REAL MASTERS and they are there to serve us (humanity) and we too forgot that WE ARE THE REAL MASTERS and hence became puppets in their hands.
We have Rights to Elect but 'No Right to Recall /Reject/ Replace' if they do not perform to our expectations.
They get elected/selected for certain duties but can't be removed before a certain time.
They too misused their powers, framed rules for getting elected but did not make rules for being recalled or rejected.
Any kind of power is like Electrical Power, if not controlled properly, efficiently and timely, is bound to become a demon of Destruction and the same is happening,
As I said earlier, we need to define "SPIRITUALITY" separating it from Religious contexts and consider it that through this, we are supposed to control "Beast'' within us.
I agree that we don't have to dismiss Religions but define it in a context which can serve Humanity in its entity.