Who buys the wedding bands
A question that brings all kinds of debates between the most traditionalists and the modern couples, we will approach this topic from our point of view, always respecting the preferences of each one.
First let's see where this custom comes from, what is its meaning and the alternatives that the bride and groom have to solve the issue; so you can choose an option suitable to your style.
Traditions and etiquette related to the purchase of wedding rings
Although wedding rings seem to have always existed, the reality is that they were an exclusive jewel for women that emerged well into the Middle Ages, just like engagement rings.
It was not until much later that the church began to encourage its use by men, as part of a religious ceremony, to promote fidelity.
Finally, this universal symbol of love came into its own after World War II, when soldiers going to war wore a ring to remember their wives.
Over the years, this practice became popular until it became a deeply rooted tradition in Western society, in both sexes.
Who buys wedding rings?
When the marriage was a business, prior agreement between the families, it was the bride's representatives who took care of all the expenses of the ceremonies, including the wedding rings.
As traditions became more flexible, it was the bride who paid for the groom's wedding ring, and the groom, in turn, paid for the bride's wedding ring.
Nowadays, all these impositions have fallen into disuse and marriage has adapted to all possible engagement scenarios, leaving couples the opportunity to make their own traditions.
The usual (and healthier) way is for couples to discuss the expenses and decide together.?
Sometimes, the bride pays for the wedding rings as they are usually worth much less individually than an engagement ring. Other times, the groom or a groomsman pays, there really are no rules.
Who is supposed to buy the guys wedding band?
As explained above, from a traditional point of view, each member of the couple bears the cost of their partner's wedding band. But it is the couple who has the final say, depending on each other's income and circumstances.
Remember that both wedding bands are equally important, whether it's for a guy or not. Take the time to think about it as a couple and devote the same level of effort to finding a piece of jewelry worthy of wearing every day.
Tips for buying a wedding band
Now that we've established that there are no prejudices or impositions on who does or doesn't pay for the wedding band, how about some tips when planning your purchase?
Take these into consideration so that you can choose a beautiful band that represents you both and is a reflection of your personal tastes:
Tip #1: The Time Factor
Some couples make the mistake of leaving the wedding band purchase until the very end, which leaves the door open to many unfortunate last minute unforeseen events that will only add to the stress level of the days leading up to the ceremony.
Plan this detail as far in advance as possible and remember that it is a piece of jewelry that you will have for a lifetime.?
The best thing to do is to start searching at the beginning to find the ideal model.
Tip #2: Communication
The best tool there is for dealing with the wedding ring issue is to communicate with your partner in a healthy way. This will eliminate any possible disputes or negative feelings in the future and allow you both to feel truly comfortable and fulfilled with your choice.
Be sure to share your tastes and expectations regarding the jewelry and give your partner the opportunity to actively participate in the choice.
Tip #3: The Design
The most requested wedding bands are usually plain metal bands, sometimes with small diamond inlays.?
Ladies usually match their wedding bands with their engagement rings. From then on, everything will depend on the tastes of each one, whether they prefer the same models with similar characteristics, but of different sizes, or simply an individual model according to each partner's own taste.
Tip #4: Budget
Choose a budget ceiling between the two of you that you are both comfortable with to invest in your wedding bands. This budget can be calculated depending on your income or who has recently assumed more expenses.
The idea is that both wedding bands represent a similar investment, that there is a limit so that the search is reasonable and that both can participate in the process.
Also, a newly formed couple is sure to have many new expenses on the way so a cap is ideal.
Buying the wedding ring
Now we'll talk a little more specifically about the choice itself and what to expect from the process. Take these details into consideration when choosing:
The reason wedding bands are preferred plain and low profile is that they will be worn virtually all the time. Take this into account and consider whether the wedding band you like so much in that foyer is really going to allow you to perform all your daily activities.
A wedding band that you have to take off and put on all the time is one that runs the risk of getting lost and is therefore inconvenient for you.
Rarely do people choose a metal other than gold for their wedding ring (white, yellow or pink) but platinum really works well and is usually much more hypoallergenic. Keep this in mind.
Something fundamental when buying a ring, whether it is a wedding ring or not, is to know how to choose the right size (we have a guide where we talk about it). If you have not had enough time to choose and must make a quick purchase, choose designs that can be easily modified in the future.
Since wedding rings rarely have gems, they are compensated with a very symbolic detail inside: an engraving. If you are going to include one in your ring, remember to make the request in time, to avoid untimely delays and to be able to evaluate the final result.
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