Who to Blame?
“The man who blames others has a long way in his journey to go.? The man who blames himself is halfway there.? The man who blames no one has already arrived.”
Let’s break this down.
If you are always blaming others for what happens in life, you will always be a victim of someone else’s behavior, someone else’s emotion, or someone else’s action to make YOU feel better. If you blame others, you will never be able to move forward. Remember the world around you will never change, YOU get to change the world around you by how you choose to manage your mind.
If you are blaming yourself, you are taking responsibility. Oftentimes, that comes with internalizing the blame as a negative thing, but it doesn't have to be. Acknowledge that your reality is created by your thoughts, feelings, and actions. When you can look within yourself and recognize that you are the one in control, you get to choose how you respond. You have the ABILITY to RESPOND... Responsibility.
If you blame no one, you are in complete control of how you manage your mind. You decide that there is no blame because you choose to forgive yourself and others. This acceptance can happen instantly if you have practiced this thought work. You can accept anything as if you had chosen it as your reality, and there is no one to blame.
This journey of life comes with a lot of feelings and emotions. Notice if you blame others or blame yourself. And work towards creating a reality in which there is no one to blame.