Ok... so there is a vast array of Books, Blogs & Ted Talks all promoting self-reflection and "starting with our WHY".
I signed up, I drank the cool aid, I am all in. It is sound advice.
It, however, leaves gaping holes when it comes to running my business.
Our incredibly motivated team, are clear on why they are here... but our business is not about me or my team... or else we would be at the beach every day. (BEST, hottest summer evah...!!!)
Our company mission statement includes the phrase "TAILORED DESIGNS"... and I use Saville Row as the ultimate benchmark for creating a bespoke, tailored approach.
Everything is "made to measure" with each cut and stitch unique to the customer.
So I recently set a challenge to everyone at Avec (...even the Finance folk!) to research and create a digital mood-board that represented who our customer's consumer is. The challenge was... that we cannot “tailor” our designs, proposals or products until we are CLEAR on who we are tailoring them towards.
It seemed like a simple exercise... but the results were (competitive) and wildly creative... I couldn't be prouder ;)
What a learn.
Focusing on our customer's WHO... which primarily is why we are in business.... has been a lightbulb moment. I tell you what... every day is a school day.