Who is in the Arena with you?

Who is in the Arena with you?

According to Brene Brown, the only people whose opinion matters, are those who are in the Arena with you- sweating, toiling, bloodied and not giving up. So my question to you is, 'Who is in the Arena with you?"

Being a coach can be an isolating experience, even though we work with people all day. So we need to build the special connections with other Coaches/Mentors where we can bounce ideas off each other. In doing this we need to be discerning to make sure the groups we join are a valuable use of our time. So Supervision groups, group mentoring, local coaches lunches are all good ways to meet so called "good" people.

You can also choose to study further, and in doing that you can meet other like-minded people.

The people in my Arena are my Supervision Group, a group called The Coaches Lounge, and the Tuesday Club. These people feed my Soul!

Find these special people and nurture rewarding relationships with them. You will never be sorry.


