My coaches left me with three thoughts and confirmed that they will carry me if I let them.
First and foremost, knowing who you are? Being able to answer this question Who am I and What do I want?
I stood thinking and questioning many times due to the fact they were not asking me about job role, its a bigger question... who am i really? What do I want?
They taught me that we must have a vision of our life, even if we don’t know the plan, we have to have a direction in which we choose to go.
We need to know where we are going and the destination, are we just driving or is there a plan?
What i have learned is that I want to be in the driver seat of my own life because if I’m not, life will drove me.
Knowing who we really are, in time and space that we embody. Its number one question, what do you want and who are you?
Second point they have raised is that we always have to do the right things. Be excellent, people notice. Let excellent be you brand.
Doing the right things, always bring the right things to you. Don’t worry about revenge, you have to do the right thing however people don’t support you. You know they are the right things, when at the end there is peace .
The last but not least thing is that its in regard giving back.
We must find a way to serve, we live in a world where everybody want to be famous and where we admire people for just being famous.
We think being known bring us value. Service and significant that we bring to service is that lasting. If we look at the most famous people they all have in common is service. Using whatever it is to produce your product as a way of giving back to the world. When you shift the paradigm of whatever it is u choose to do to service and you bring significant to that.
Success will follow you.
We all have potential for big success, there is a price that comes with that. People don’t always like you and are not always happy for you.
Their greatest advice its to surround my self with People that WANT THE BEST FOR YOU, WANT YOU TO BE YOUR BEST.
The biggest choice begin and ends with you. Keep ask your self about who do YOU want to be in the world?
It is the key question indeed, the destination of our life journey, the most amazing discovery we may wish to ourself. The question will be the same all our life long, the discoveries will enrich our awareness and sometimes be surprising
We must find a way to serve. Fully agree Lucrezia!