Who Am I, Who I Can Be? Exploring the Facets of Self
Curiosity Unleashed: Asking Hard Questions
?? Buckle up, future legends and young visionaries, because you're about to dive into a story that’s got a bit of wisdom, a dash of reality, and a sprinkle of humor, perfect for anyone standing on the edge of adulthood or those already in the mix but feeling a bit lost. Let’s keep it real – life's a wild ride, and we're all just trying to figure it out as we go along!
?? Back in my day (not that I’m ancient or anything), navigating the treacherous waters of success felt like trying to solve a Rubik’s cube blindfolded. Thank goodness for social media, right? It swooped in like a superhero, showing me the ropes of life with its flashy displays of wealth, incredible adventures, and an endless sea of happy, successful folks. I became a top-notch expert in the fine art of envy, but hey, we’ve all been there!
?? But let’s get one thing straight - the internet is like a magic show, full of illusions and dazzling tricks. Everyone seems to have their life together, boasting about their #GymLife, their #Hustle, and their #Blessed life. But here’s the secret – nobody’s got it all figured out, and that’s totally okay!
?? TL;DR – The real talk? Here are the golden nuggets from my story:
?? So, where do we go from here? Try asking yourself:
We’re all a little crazy.
ASSIST Software: A Force to Be Reckoned With
? Can you believe it’s been a hot minute since I’ve put pen to paper (or fingers to keyboard) to whip up an article? Well, I thought it was about time to dust off the old writing cap and get back in the game while I’m cruising on this super chill train ride from Suceava to Cluj. ??
?? So, guess what happened this Wednesday , October 25, 2023? The cool cats at ASSIST Software threw their annual event for students, Open Doors, and let me tell you, it was nothing short of fabulous! It was all about helping students carve out their path in life, and this year, they threw a curveball with the theme: “How to reinvent yourself in the age of AI.” ??
?? They even handed me the mic to give a not-so-technical talk on the art of personal reinvention. Challenge accepted and conquered, my friends! I kicked off with a presentation titled “How to Reinvent Yourself – From Chaos to Order without Losing the Fun” because who says finding yourself can’t be a blast? Later, in a stroke of brilliance, I rebranded it to “Ways to Define Who You Are and Who You Could Be.” We dove into some questions a student may have, making sure we’re asking the right ones.
?? So now, dear reader, I’m passing the wisdom torch to you. Here are some thought-provoking questions to sprinkle into your life every now and then. Get ready to dive in, reflect, and maybe even have a bit of fun along the way! ??
How to reinvent yourself in the age of AI.
Ready question one: Is there something wrong with me?
?? Oh, video games, how I adore thee! ?? They’ve been my ride or die, making me feel like a champ even when life got real. For the longest time, gaming was my jam, my superpower. But, as with any epic saga, things got a bit wild.
?? Flashback to high school, where I was this close to getting the boot. Yeah, my attendance was pretty much the school’s greatest mystery. And you’re probably wondering, “Didn’t your folks notice you were on a semi-permanent vacay?” Well, here’s where the plot twists.
I had this golden ticket to leave my hometown in Moldova and chase knowledge 400km away in beautiful Romania. My sisters had blazed the trail before me, and we all thought, "Hey, this could be a game changer!" But life’s got a funny way of mixing things up, and I ended up in a different city from my sisters. So, four years in a high school dorm with no daily behavior checks? Game on.
Four years in a high school dorm with no daily behavior checks? Game on.
?? My gaming saga continued through college, and with a collection of failed exams under my belt, I was this close to swapping my joystick for strawberry picking in Spain. ??
But here’s the twist: things actually worked out! And not because I was some kind of prodigy; the universe just has a soft spot for pretty, clueless guys.
?? College was like a rollercoaster, with more downs than ups. "What’s wrong with me? Why can’t I be like those hard-working, grade-A students?" I thought. And the resentment towards video games? Oh, it was real. I blamed them for everything – for stealing my shot at a success story.
?? But then, boom! A truth bomb dropped. "We're all mad in many ways" is a message I heard in books, videos and TED talks, and suddenly(not really), it all clicked. I wasn't alone in my madness. Everyone's got a touch of craziness; it's just part of the human experience.
Everyone’s got a touch of craziness.
?? This realization was game-changing, and even though it hit me later in life, it hit me hard. Sure, books and movies talk about it, and if you’re lucky, some wise adults might clue you in. But for me, it took a while to really get it. I thought some folks had it all together, which made my own struggles feel even heavier.
So, whether you’re young, old, or somewhere in between, wondering if you’ve got a few screws loose – the answer is a resounding YES. And guess what? You're in good company. The mission, should you choose to accept it, is to figure out your brand of madness and give your loved ones a heads-up, so your crazy moments don’t send them packing for good. ??
Wondering if you’ve got a few screws loose – the answer is a resounding YES
What do I want? Why do I want it?
I somehow managed to wrangle that first question into submission—it wasn’t pretty, but it worked for the moment. But then, BAM! The next big conundrum hit me: "What on earth am I supposed to do next?" Graduation was looming, and I felt lost in the sauce.
Sure, I had the standard life plan etched in my brain from childhood: Study hard, snag those A’s, graduate, land a job, buy a house, find someone to share it with, pop out a kid or three, work like a dog, and then, well… kick the bucket.
Looking back, I’ll be the first to admit my life template was a bit on the basic side. But hey, you gotta play the hand you’re dealt, right? When it came time to pick a career path, though, I was stumped. I went with the flow, praying I wasn’t making a colossal mistake. Thankfully, I didn’t totally bomb at my job, and I’ve even managed to carve out something that resembles a career. But man, choosing a life path felt like taking wild shots in the dark while blindfolded. Not ideal.
Choosing a life path felt like taking wild shots in the dark while blindfolded.
This, my friends, is no way to make life-altering decisions, especially when we’re talking about choosing a path that’ll impact not just you, but potentially a whole household. You’ve got to make sure your choice can pay the bills, after all.
Enter the next big question, and trust me, this one’s a doozy: "What do I want, and why?" It’s not an easy question but it’s crucial. A little sage advice from a pro can go a long way, but sometimes, finding that outside of your family can be tricky.
But here’s the kicker: You also need a hefty dose of courage to be brutally honest with yourself. Digging deep and asking the tough questions is hard. Answering them honestly? Even harder. But mastering this skill is so worth it, even if it feels like you need a manual for "How to Human 101."
You also need a hefty dose of courage to be brutally honest with yourself.
Is there a universal recipe for happiness?
"Oh, absolutely YES!" Wouldn't it just be the coolest thing ever if I could confidently shout from the rooftops, "Yes, I've got the secret sauce to life"? But alas, dear reader, I must confess – there isn’t a one-size-fits-all template for a better life. But hey, don’t click away just yet! I’ve got some gems to share, and who knows, they might just add a little sparkle to your journey.
There isn’t a one-size-fits-all template for an easier life.
Now, imagine this: I’ve got a treasure chest, a magical toolbox if you will, filled with tools that have worked wonders for yours truly. I can sense your curiosity peaking, and I can almost hear you whispering, "Victor, you’ve got my attention. Spill the beans, and don’t you dare leave me hanging!"
Alright, alright, I won't keep you in suspense any longer.
So, what’s in my magical toolbox, you ask? Well, it might sound a bit anticlimactic, but stick with me. They’re questions. Yep, more good old-fashioned questions. Now, before you roll your eyes and click away, hear me out.
"Questions? Seriously, Victor? I’ve scoured through article after article, and your big revelation is asking myself questions?"
Yes, yes it is. And I know, it sounds almost too simple, right? But here’s the kicker – these aren’t just any questions. These are powerhouse questions designed to recalibrate your entire being when used correctly.
The point here is, questions, as simple as they may seem, have the potential to be incredibly powerful. That is, if you’re brave enough to ask the right ones and honest enough to answer them truthfully. So, are you ready to dive in and discover the magic for yourself?"
Are you brave enough to ask the right questions?
What kind of person do I want to be?
Ah, the power of a question – it seems so straightforward at first, but don’t let its simplicity fool you! These little gems pack a punch and have the potential to unravel layers of yourself you never knew existed. I stumbled upon their magic during a coffee chat with a person I deeply admire, a mentor of sorts.
Picture this: young, eager me, armed with a list of questions that, in retrospect, might not have been the most profound. But lo and behold, my somewhat naive inquiries were met with thoughtful, illuminating responses that left me awestruck. As my mentor shared his values and life philosophy, a lightbulb went off in my head. "This is it," I thought. "This is the missing piece of my puzzle."
As my mentor shared his values and life philosophy, a lightbulb went off in my head. “This is the missing piece of my puzzle.”
Now, don’t get me wrong, I wasn’t completely devoid of values. I had the basics down – no murder, no stealing, the usual stuff. But beyond that? I was pretty much winging it. Suddenly, a floodgate of questions burst open:
- What do I value in others?
- How do I measure my own worth?
- What does being a good friend entail?
- Is it a passive waiting game, or do I actively contribute to the friendship?
- And how about being a colleague?
- Do I want to be the kind of person who just gets their work done, or do I want to be someone who lifts others up?
What do I value in others? How do I measure my own worth?
It was overwhelming, to say the least. But amidst the chaos of these questions, I found clarity in knowing that I needed to write them down. Not to answer them all at once – Rome wasn’t built in a day, after all – but to simply get them out of my head and onto paper.
So there you have it – my first tool in the toolbox. Ask yourself these questions. And I mean really ask them. Don’t rush to answer; let them simmer. And when you do answer, write it down. It forces a level of introspection and honesty that thinking alone can’t achieve.
Now, I won’t lie. I was tempted to sugarcoat my answers, to make myself look better on paper. But who was I fooling? Certainly not myself. I had to check my ego and embrace honesty, even if it was uncomfortable.
This wasn’t just about answering questions. It was about setting a new starting line for my life, far removed from the mundane template of work, money, power, and more work.
So here’s my challenge to you: define your values, write them down, and revisit them from time to time. It’s a simple practice, but it might just provide you with the clarity and direction you’ve been seeking."
Define your values, write them down, and revisit them from time to time.
What are the things I care for?
Pinpointing the things that truly matter to us can be akin to finding a needle in a haystack, especially in our world saturated with advertisements, social media influences, and the expectations of others. Yet, it’s a journey worth embarking upon, as it helps to unravel the essence of our desires and aspirations.
So, let’s dive into another pivotal question: What are the things I genuinely care about?
What are the things I genuinely care about?
Sure, I want to embody the virtues of a good friend, partner, and colleague. But, let’s be real – I also wouldn’t mind getting my hands on a PlayStation 5 for a gaming spree, savoring a mouth-watering slice of pizza, or unwinding with a refreshing margarita. I yearn for the comfort of a car, the stability of a home, the companionship of a cat, and the warmth of a lover. You get the gist.
This question isn’t just about the tangible stuff, though. It’s about understanding our true motivations and desires amidst a world that constantly tries to tell us what we should want.
It’s about understanding our true motivations.
You might think, "I’m not like the others. Ads don’t affect me. Social media doesn’t dictate my desires." But let’s be honest – we all have eyes, and we’re all susceptible to the world around us in one way or another. Even though I’m not a big social media buff, I find myself learning (and yes, occasionally?? being influenced) from platforms like YouTube.
But here’s the kicker: It’s okay to be influenced. Our perspectives are shaped by everything around us – from the great philosophers we study to the flashy ads that catch our eye. What matters is being true to yourself in the process.
So, why do you want the things you care about? Is it a luxury car for its unmatched comfort, or is it to turn heads when you roll into your hometown during the holidays? Both reasons are valid, as long as you’re being honest with yourself. You might be able to fool the world, but don’t fool yourself.
Why do you want the things you care about?
By exploring these questions, you’re taking a giant leap toward understanding your authentic self and navigating through life’s desires with a clearer vision.
What is important for me now?
Pondering upon our true priorities and deciphering what genuinely holds significance for us at the moment is another introspective endeavor worth embarking upon.
Yes, I have an array of things that I cherish; a fair chunk of them are indeed materialistic, and I'm not in denial about it. The beauty of this realization lies in understanding that no matter how vast our desires may be, the reality is we can't possess everything. I, for one, acknowledge that I can't have it all. Yet, I can almost hear the voice of a self-improvement guru chastising me, proclaiming, "You'll remain impoverished because of your scarcity mindset! Change your thinking, my friend. You CAN have everything; you're just not craving it intensely enough." I can visualize the dramatic slap on my face, followed by a stern, "Wake up! You’re wasting your life away!"
Regardless of this potential "advice," I find solace and practicality in embracing the fact that I can’t have everything. Yes, I admit to being a tad lazy at times, enjoying the perks of working from home, and occasionally, straight from my bed. The life of a developer has its unique advantages.
Embracing the mantra, "I can't have it all," allows me to prioritize without succumbing to the guilt of not being a guitar-playing, dance floor-rocking, muscle-ripped, globe-trotting developer who delivers profound speeches at international events.
"I can't have it all," allows me to prioritize.
Lately, I’ve been striving to live by the motto: "There is no such thing as not having enough time, only my inability to prioritize." With this perspective, I wield my metaphorical axe, chopping away at things that may be important to me but are not immediate priorities.
Through my experiences as a developer, I’ve come to realize that there's no such thing as multiple critical issues occurring simultaneously. While a project might be riddled with numerous pressing issues, in reality, you can only tackle one at a time. You have to make a choice, determining which issue requires your immediate attention and action.
This narrative approach embraces the authenticity of personal experience, while also providing wisdom and a unique perspective on managing priorities and understanding one’s true needs and desires.
When will I get up and do something about it?
Deciding when exactly to act upon what holds meaning to us is crucial; merely talking about our goals won’t cut it. Action is imperative.
Post-prioritization, it becomes evident that not everything will fit into my schedule. However, what is non-negotiable is the need to propel my priorities to the forefront of my daily and weekly plans.
Mick Jagger, the legendary philosopher (in his own right), once profoundly said, "You can't always get what you want, but if you try sometimes, you get what you need." (Do check out the first episode of House M.D. for a bit of insightful application of this wisdom).
You can't always get what you want, but if you try sometimes, you get what you need.
I genuinely hope you find the answers you're seeking. Life has a way of leaving us all with our fair share of scars and stories, and sometimes, all we can really do is hope. Hope, coupled with action, however, has the potential to take us great distances.
Hope, coupled with action, however, has the potential to take us great distances.
Having you make it to the end of this article makes me want to give you a round of applause.
You, my friend, are a rockstar! Take care, you magnificent stranger!
Action points
To wrap things up, here are some actionable steps to consider:
Remember, progress takes time, and introspection is a journey, not a destination. You’ve got this!"
Remember, progress takes time.