Whitney’s Top 10 Life Lessons #coachwhitney #lifelessons
Whitney Kell
Coaching for Mindset, Health, & Finances Motivational Speaker at Wellness Revolution Free 30 minutes coaching
1. Don’t take it personally!
Everyone is doing the best they can based on their values and what’s happening in their own lives. Forgiveness and understanding can have great healing power.
2. Everyone views the world differently.
To understand someone else’s perspective, try to repeat back what you hear them saying in your conversations. This takes practice and patience but helps avoid any miscommunication.
3. Loss is VERY difficult.
When I would lose a job or a friend, my mom used to tell me “it’s God’s way of saying it’s time to move on to the next thing.” While it’s not easy, I have learned to embrace times of loss in my life, recognizing that they can create space for new energy and new opportunities.
4. The questions you ask yourself direct your thoughts and emotions.
Pay attention to the conversations that go on in your own mind. Before reacting or responding, ask yourself these questions: Does this thought serve me? What else could it mean? What am I grateful for? This helps to reduce the emotional energy and allows you to focus on what’s important.
5. Non-emotional communication is power.
When you communicate with emotion, people have trouble hearing your words and intentions. Take a deep breath, slow down, and think about what you are trying to communicate and the impact your words will have on the other person.
6. The power of silence and brevity.
Like a radio commercial, you can have a greater impact using fewer words. A pregnant pause and silence are also incredible tools to use when presenting and listening.
7. Communication is everything in a relationship.
Try being interested instead of interesting. When you take the time to be curious and ask questions, you’ll be amazed at the great conversations you’ll have.
8. Role Models
Each of us has the power to be a role model for someone else. Think about the impact your words and actions have on those around you. What do you represent? How do you want to be viewed? You have the opportunity to help others move forward through their fear and achieve their goals.
9. Comparative Reality
We live in a comparative reality society. While someone else is talking, we want to interrupt and say, “Yes I had something just like that happen to me.” However to be an effective coach or even just a good friend, you need to pay attention, really listen and then validate the other person’s experience and feelings without thinking about your own.
10. The Black Dot
When something goes wrong, I have found that my mind will often start focusing on the negative – the problems and drama. However, if I stop and ask myself some simple questions, I can shift where I put my focus and energy and then create what I want instead of focusing on what I don’t want.