Whither IIM
Jitu Makwana writes;
While building AMUL, Varghese Kurien went to IIM Ahmadabad for recruitment . In a meeting at IIMA, one of the board member asked Kurien " now you want our students Mr Kurien to milk animals ??"
Kurien later had to build Indian Institute of Rural Management , IRMA, because no institute in the country trained youth for rural management. Welcome to Indian education and Premier institutes.
(And students of such institutes so often talk about merit!)
Back in 2009, studying at AES, another MBA college just 200 meters away from IIMA, I approached a student of IIMA to show me his textbooks or what were they studying in the class.
He said he can not share it because it is exclusive and only for IIMA students!
Vikram Sarabhai wanted to build India with science and Management as tools! He just wasn't a dreamer but he lived by example. Sad that role model of youngsters in commerce colleges today is Mallya and Dhirubhai.
( by the way, Vikram Sarabhai wanted to turn Gujarat University into a world class University but he lost vice Chancellor election! Ex CM Chiman Bhai Patel was the man responsible for his defeat)
And that's why he not only started IIM but host of other superbly brilliant organizations like AMA, ATIRA, Isro etc
Outside IIM-A people do not even know that IIM-A was started at Vikram Sarabhai's home initially. students of IIM-A remember that but IIM has completely ignored the vision and purpose of Dr Vikram Sarabhai in building IIM-A.
Which was to build the country with knowledge of Management.
In reality what has happened is IIM-A has become a glorified placement agency and parents and media has a equal role to play in it.
1. Country needs 2 Crore jobs a year and truth is there are hardly any jobs. For 18,000 vacancies 1 Crore application came for Haryana's Govt jobs! Only 5,000 jobs were given by Haryana in that particular year.
Instead of leading from front in imparting real management that not only creates brilliant businessman and businesses but also change India with social business like Grameen bank, google and Facebook. It would not just create jobs but also solves crisis of the poor country, truth is Iim is busy creating clerks for corporates world over.
3. Whole world is online except for our IIt and IIM's. If IIM was truly following vision of Vikram Sarabhai, IIM classes would have been online 15 years back and 40 years back IIM would have started teaching management via TV.
Yes that's what Vikram Sarabhai wanted. He wanted to teach modern scientific agriculture to Indian farmers back 40 years ago Via TV.
And yet out so called Holy cows premium institutes are not online today
How much does it cost to make a class online? Why IIM classes videos are not being uploaded on YouTube everyday?
So that every common man in the country can learn the management being taught by IIM-A.
You see UCLA, University of California ornithology has been running a TV Chanel of its classes to help average person learn.
4. In India anyone can become IAS and CA sitting at home and preparing on his or her own. But to learn management or say to learn iim certified management one must score 99.99 percentile in logic and math and Gk and English.
Sad that 1 Crore Indians traders do not have merit to learn IIM certified management!
Tragic to write all these when a one of the richest Indians metric fail Adani says he does simple businesses like coal, port and power type business. When asked if how he tries to understand complex businesses! He said I do simple businesses bhai.
Imagine when world's financial genius Warren buffet is saying you need common sense to make money.
And you see even among top hundred listed companies also no Iim educated graduate has been able to build a business like
Instead you see matric pass doing well soo good like Adani, Dhiru Bhai, Subhash Chandra of Zee leading world of business
Dalit born in a slum, started cable business like ted turner ( CNN founder) and Ronnie Screwwala ( Utv). today owns a satellite Chanel named Lord Buddha. Ted turner and Ronnie are out of business but Dalit slum boy has managed to survive in a satellite channel business in Nagpur. Just at a radius of few km from RSS headquarters
When you expect a case study like castes in Indian business from IIM-A?
You know what IIM-A is like bollywood love story in the world of real management education. Caste is primary factor in India marriages but you don't see that in Bollywood movies. Likewise castes are Omnipresent in Indian business world but for I'm word caste is untouchable and big big jargon are important.
For example a case study.
How Sindhi's came from Pakistan and stated a business without any money and still succeeded in doing business in India. How Patel hard work is slowly eliminating Baniya owned factories in Gujarat can not be a case study in I'm right?
Only how toothpaste is synonymous with coal gate will be the kinds of case studies at IIM-A.
5. Once I went to a IIM Prof complaining about my small business that real estate prices are making it really impossible and nonviable for me to start another factory for expansion.
And he was like really?
I said don't you know the real estates is biggest hindrance to entrepreneur ship in India today. When he was again surprised at that I asked
"Do you know the price of land of on which iim is built today? I asked him if he knows real estate prices of anywhere in Ahmadabad?
He said no
I gave up my case and since that day I have not been to Iima. Its been years.
What's the point talking huh?
7. It is really painful to see how parents and media also supporting the rat race for packages. After all how many of those 10 lac plus MBA graduates get into Iima and how many of IIM-A graduates earn that much salary.
Boss a laborer earns 300 per day in India and in America same laborer will earn 6000 per day
Let's go ga ga over how much laborer in America makes!
By the way milk, clothes, and vegetables are almost same prices that of India and cars and petrol are cheaper than Indian
8. Instead of focusing on how well Iim is able to teach management to 1 crore Indians traders and solving problems the way IIM is behaving is so sad.
Prof Mohammad Yunus should be given a honorary degree from IIM-A so at least people at IIM-A may realize what IIM-A should have been doing and what it is doing today
9. After all what's management? Using limited resources to achieve optimum results right?
And if it's that's all then what's the harm in educating that to millions of people via TV and internet.
10. Once I was saying all these faculties who live in almost half of IIM-A campus should be thrown out and new building high rise shd be constructed and at least 50,000 people should be a on and average part of management program.
Someone at IIM replied that would kill quality and exclusivity of IIM-A.
And he started quoting Harvard and Stanford faulty student ratios
I replied by back saying Harvard and Stanford has given Google etc companies what IIM has given to Indian
He said we don't have resources to do all that
I again replied isn't management all about getting optimum output with a limited resources.
He was furious. I had to leave the scene.
11. I remember even facilities and directors and board of Iima also criticizing reservation
Boss, real solution was to make IIM, IIT online and speaking in media that now whole County can learn management from IIM and so please don't fight among each other and let's use management as a science to solve out million problems.
That would have given a tight slap to govt. Govt just wanted to capitalize on reservation for 2000 OBCstudents . That's all.
Making education of premier institutes is a perfect solution to ensure some relief on the right of reservation.
I rest my case because in last 10 years I have kept arguing this and in fact I was so passionate about making iim IIt online that I was ready to do anything for it because I saw that was the only answer to the Govt 's reservation policy.
12. Engineering colleges in Gujarat have almost thousand of seats vacant because colleges were allowed to run two shifts on every campus.
Now engineering students are complaining about Jobs and not reservation easily but I am yet to see any comment about quality of education and unemployment from youth for equality.
Or do they wake only when Govt tells them to?
13. Finally I am tired of saying it all again and again over last 10 years, and now I am starting my own management class for laymen in central Delhi .
Where only 1000 rupee per month will be charged to learn management that India really needs and yes,
All of its classes will be uploaded online every single day.
I guide Leaders to raise energy & flow in a life of Abundance And Joy, by leveraging their existing resources using my PROSPER model ??????... | LOSS to LABH | Speaker | Author | Actor |
5 年Very inspiring & hard hitting. Of course Bureaucrats couldn't care less. I am with you. Theory is my weakness. I believe in practical results. Please let me know -- If & how I could support you to strengthen India - our nation.