Whites and the Nation
Ronald Tompkins, Ph. D.
I coach leaders of companies in trouble -- but determined to reach sustainable growth and measurable social impact. I work with Boards and Leaders through Workshops or Team Coaching.
This newsletter discusses white racism in the USA and current presidential election. ?This is part of my July Newsletter series on DEI. I realize that my lens omits things from my vision, and I welcome your comments.
Middle East
Yesterday, 250 Palestinians (average) tragically lost their lives in the ongoing conflict sponsored by American support for Israel. This massive influx of U.S. funding has exacerbated tensions, leading to a rise in anti-Semitic and anti-Palestinian violence domestically. Organizations like AIPAC have fueled this fire.
The lack of leadership is glaring. Biden acts like a white racist in the Middle East. His public statements seldom show compassion for Palestinians, even amidst airstrikes. Shouldn't a leader demonstrate empathy rather than maintain a studied silence? It seems victims of color without the protection of a blue passport are considered regrettable collateral damage.
The absence of moral leadership is evident across white political candidates. During the debate, both Trump and Biden competed over who could pledge greater support for Israel, overlooking fundamental human rights concerns. Are we left to choose between a felon dictator or a murderer who cozies up to authoritarian regimes and overlooks civilian murder?
USA History and White Preference For War
Palestine is not an exception.
The USA was formed by white merchants from England who had accumulated wealth but were excluded from the power circles of European royals. They saw the Americas as a place to establish themselves and emulated England’s warlike and inhumane treatment of others. The British Empire, infamous for its murders of global conquest and exploitation, served as their role model.
Paulo Freire suggests that when we feel like victims, we choose to either respond with love and dignity or with hate and resentment. Choosing hate leads us to mimic the tools of our oppressors once we gain power.
The USA mirrors the power dynamics of English royalty. What they did to oppress the world is our model. We copied with 40 Indian wars, 70 additional wars, slavery, women as chattel. an unelected Supreme Court, and a nonrepresentative US Senate and Electoral College. The resentful white merchants, traumatized by their own experiences, used the oppressive tools they knew to create a Constitution and the enduring white power structure we see today.
The real crisis is larger than the election. It is a defective national structure. Difficult to fix? Yes. Freire gives me hope in his belief in the transformative ability of human beings. We can put historical trauma aside and build a justice and peace based land
What About whites Generally in USA For the Election?
Four responses have occurred in white America as we approach the election.
1.??????? Resentment of Technology and Specialist Overproduction: There is a general resentment towards technology replacing semi-skilled labor. Meanwhile the elite is attempting to expand faster than job openings, so there is an oversupply of trained specialists (e.g., Computer Science, Law, Accounting). Whites in jobs see younger and cheaper replacements who are often staff of color as the youth demographic changes. Historian Peter Turchin suggests that this is historically a sign that violence may occur.
2.?????? Tipping point for instability: Whites are transitioning from being 89% in 1950 to less than 50% of the population soon. The volatility arises when a majority population declines to between 40% and 60% of the total population. White privilege is perceived to be at risk, and treating others as equals can feel like oppression to some. Nostalgia for the "good old days" is often a call to return to past white privilege.
3.?????? Historical Taxation and Economic Policy: In 1947, taxation reached a high of 94% for high incomes. The wealthy were fearful of global instability, and President Truman was concerned about unemployed veterans returning from war. The GI Bill and fair taxation initiated a new deal. However, the Reagan, Bush, and Trump tax cuts shifted power back to the wealthy few.
Republicans have leveraged race and class issues to their advantage, making housing, college, and healthcare unaffordable for many. Most people, not being economists or historians, seek a cause to blame and change. Trump capitalizes on this for whites with his hate-filled remarks and promises to be a dictator, encapsulated in Project 2025.
4.????? White Moderate Resistance to Change: White moderates are not opposed to the idea of justice but believe it’s too soon to implement. Scholar Angie Beeman shows that white moderates hope that elections, professionals, or avoiding terms like 'race' will maintain stability and lead to better days. They resist change until they are confident it will succeed, exemplified by figures like Biden, Schumer, and the Clintons.
My Prediction
Biden will abandon the race under pressure. White moderate Democrats will be influenced by AIPAC and seek painless solutions, making them appear foolish. True leadership from AOC will be ignored because it requires difficult choices.
?Trump, AOC, and Sanders possess a talent lacking in most Democratic leaders—they understand the reality of true oppression. They understand that people have real fears about food and shelter, where financial insecurity means children will be poorer than their parents. Trump will wield the largest megaphone and use it to preach hate to suffering whites, unifying the Republican vote.
When Biden drops out, Harris will face challenges because many whites will focus on her race. White males have already shown a preference for Trump, making it his election to lose rather than Harris' to win. What do we know of her? Biden has kept her largely invisible. He has treated her as a DEI hire. I can't recall a single speech that she was permitted to give which demonstrated leadership. Trump offers a clear message of hate, while hers remains invisible or lacking.
?Is race really important? Did we not already have a Black president? Aren’t we post-racist? Obama followed a witless predecessor, was a great orator, and had a vision. He was an exception, but even his election ignited a fuse of white resistance that eventually helped sweep Trump into office.
What Should NonProfit Leaders Do?
·???????? Horde Cash: If Trump wins, the stability of democratic institutions is uncertain. He could use his new presidential powers to cancel contracts that affect you.
·???????? Preach Mission, Vision, and Core Values: Ensure that your Board and managers are unified on the agency’s mission, vision, and core values. If there is stress, what is the vision of changing tomorrow? During times of stress, a lack of unity or message can jeopardize the agency. We won’t need commodity nonprofits. We will need leaders.
·???????? Review Insurance Policies: Obtain cyber insurance and increase property and liability insurance. In national crises, vigilante groups tolerated by the government can pose significant threats.
·???????? Address Societal Oppression: Recognize that traditional societal mechanisms won’t change oppression. Your agency likely includes white moderates. As Paulo Freire would suggest, engage them in discussions about different scenarios. This way, they learn that while shame might be used to quell dissent, it won’t solve underlying problems.
·???????? Promote Hopeful Media and Networks: Identify and support media outlets and networks that foster hope.
·???????? Promote voting: If voting were mandatory instead of Republican restricted, Harris would probably win. Maybe she’s got more answers when she has a chance to say so.
My newsletters are intended to be thought starters. If you have a different insight, I would enjoy being wrong on the predictions! God bless.
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