Whitepaper on contributions of the RESOLVD project to standardization and regulation.
ICT services and energy storage for increasing renewable hosting capacity of LV distribution grids.
The RESOLVD project (https://resolvd.eu) is coordinated by the University of Girona and aims to contribute to setting the next generation of competitive technologies and services for smart grids addressed in the topic LCE-01-2016-2017 (Area: 4- Intelligent electricity distribution grid).
The objective is to improve the efficiency and the renewable energy hosting capacity of distribution networks, in the context of highly distributed renewable generation by introducing flexibility and control in the low voltage grid.
The project has officially finished end of March 2021 and we decided to publish a Whitepaper to disseminate the main conclusions on standardization and regulation. The main objective of this whitepaper is to collect the most important insights into the RESOLVD project. It summarizes the needs and expectations of the involved sectors to understand well the context of the project. Then, the RESOLvD technology solution is presented, both the software as well as the hardware solution. Following, the analysis of the current regulation and the upcoming regulation initiatives are presented and analyzed. Finally, as a specific outcome of this report, recommendations to standardizing and regulatory bodies are provided.
The link to the Whitepaper can be found here: https://resolvd.eu/go/whitepaper/
A Youtube video about the PED, an innovation created by the project can be found here: https://youtu.be/kc6iiYUPk98