Whitehaven FM
Gerard Richardson MBE JP DL
Deputy Lieutenant for Cumbria, Fine Wine Dealer, & Drinks Columnist ex Royal Navy
Yeah, yeah I know I retired last year but how many times have you told someone 'the cheque is in the post' or worse still 'I love you'? Truth is I got bored after Christmas and when Im bored I dream up new events, catchy marketing ideas or I drink more wine, sometimes I combine the latter with one of the former. Anyhow this time I came up with Whitehaven FM where the FM stands for food & music but when I posted on Linked in asking for sponsors, it resulted in a reporter calling me and asking if I was setting up a new Radio Station. Can you imagine me spinning the disks and issuing traffic reports in between classic hits from the Move and Marmalade!
Anyhow, tis an event not a new channel, and an event that focuses on two of my biggest passions, Food and Live music. Yes I know I should have identified my lovely wife as one of my passions which of course she is but I just dont see how I could make a festival out of her. I suppose it could be a lads only event with stalls manned by women and each one offering sage advice on what women need, want and expect, all of which Ive found to be different. Instead of tall ships we could have tall orders and the cooking advice could centre on how to get the best out of a beef and tomato pot noodle or how many minutes to cook chips for! Anyhow I do digress so lets get back on track. After I 'retired' I realised that no one had any plans to replicate the events for the town which prompted me to look again at the summer of 2016. I wanted a fresh start and while the events will always carry elements of each other, Im hopeful that Whitehaven FM will stand out in a crowd of festivals around the county and that it will bring in the many thousands of visitors that the town has grown to expect.
So, now we get to the Linkedin bit. I'm looking for sponsors, companies who are wanting to say thank you to their staff or to the area they work in and we have packages as diverse as £1k to sponsor 10 small or start-up companies to have a free stall right up to £2k+ packages with lots of marketing opportunities and lots of rewards to enjoy as well.
So, drop me a line on [email protected] if you want to sponsor or even if you just want to get me to rethink the Dianne Festival
Toodle Pip