White vs Grey. The WhatsApp dilemma...
WhatsApp. The right way and the right way?

White vs Grey. The WhatsApp dilemma...

There are two ways to connect WhatsApp to Kommo: the official "white" Business API and the unofficial "gray" WhatsApp approach.

The "gray" approach works by intercepting commands from WhatsApp's online version and replicating ordinary users' actions. This strategy may result in the number being blocked and Meta issuing fines for violating service regulations.

The official "white" WhatsApp Business API is a legal connection that poses little dangers to enterprises. WhatsApp gives users access to a closed paid API, ensuring dependability, stability, and security in customer communication.

Let's compare both methods and help you make your mind up which one suits your needs the best.

Gray WhatsApp: Short term wins, long term headaches.

At first, unofficial integration is appealing due to lower costs, the ability to message customers from any phone number without templates, and no conversation fees.

But first impressions can be deceiving because the "gray" is full of risks for your business:

  • Blocking is unavoidable: WhatsApp's parent company, Meta, closely monitors and blocks "gray" accounts. This is generally thought to happen after sending multiple similar messages in a short period of time, but blocking can occur even without broadcasting. As a result, you lose the company number that your customers are used to, with no hope of recovery.
  • Illegality: Using the "gray" connection is illegal and can result in Facebook lawsuits and fines in the tens of thousands of dollars.
  • Limited marketing capabilities: Gray WhatsApp lacks tools for improving campaign performance, such as quick reaction buttons, the capacity to send mass messages, and access to analytics.
  • Dependence on phone: Gray WhatsApp requires to an internet-connected phone. If the internet goes down, there's a power outage, or the device fails, communication with the customer is lost, costing you.

White WhatsApp: Champion's choice.

Officially connecting to WhatsApp is more expensive than the "gray" option, but it provides many opportunities for businesses to easily communicate with clients.

Investments in this approach justify themselves by limiting risks and giving unique promotional tools.

  • Account security: Even during heavy activity, the chance of unexpected blockage is low when using official WhatsApp. Of course, you can be blocked if users start complaining, but this can be prevented by following our recommendations.
  • Connection stability: The ability to communicate with customers 24/7. No need for a physical device.

  • Tools to improve commercial performance: Official WhatsApp provides tools for raising campaign performance, such as interactive buttons in messages, chatbots, bulk messaging, trigger replies, and A/B testing.
  • Green checkmark for brands: Verified companies referenced in major media channels might obtain a green checkmark, which boosts client trust and response conversion.

WhatsApp Lite (exclusively for users of Kommo CRM)

Kommo offers a free version of WhatsApp that is linked to your phone, however the possibilities of personalization are limited and messages can only be shared with up to 256 customers per day.

Is it worth it? People are using both Business API and Lite to compliment their activity. It comes down to what your goal is with clients on the platform, and how regularly you are interacting with them.


The decision between "white" and "gray" WhatsApp is not only a matter of cost savings, but also a strategic decision for your company's future.

"Gray" WhatsApp can be seen as a temporary choice for time and budget sensitive business owners. But the risk and fines you face, plus the possibility to have your number taken away, are for those who are willing to pay long term.

"White" WhatsApp is designed for long-term growth and company reputation. You can take full advantage of the tools at disposal and engage in high performing campaigns with customers. Plus, make your customer's life easier through platform related updates.


