White privilege

For some time I have been inhabiting the grey world of both\and. But this is one area that I am certain about, and that is white privilege. Had I not been white I would never have enjoyed the lifestyle that I do. I am not belittling myself. It is just a fact.

Despite my appalling matric marks, I was able to have the benefit of tertiary education. I am driven and creative but this would not have been enough.

I wonder if people actually take the time to truly contemplate how their lives would have been, had they been black. Those who can give back to their wider community often use current policies or the government as an excuse not to. Aside from our vote and civic action, few people have control of the government, but we do have some measure of say in our world and who we give to. This is one of those rare instances where I believe we inhabit the world of either/or, black/white.

Nicola Slingsby


