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White Holes: A Brief Overview
?Definition: White holes are theoretical regions in space-time that expel matter and energy, allowing nothing to enter, essentially the reverse of black holes.
?Theoretical Basis:
- Derived from Einstein's equations of general relativity.
- Represent a time-reversed solution of black holes.
- Event Horizon: Boundary from which nothing can enter.
- Singularity: Central point repelling matter and energy.
- Time Reversal Symmetry: Acts as black holes with reversed time.
- Violate the second law of thermodynamics (entropy should increase in isolated systems).
?Cosmological Context:
- Speculative; no observational evidence.
- Some theories link white holes to the Big Bang or propose them as endpoints of wormholes (Einstein-Rosen bridges).
?Quantum Mechanics:
- Quantum gravity might explain white holes.
- Some theories suggest black holes could transition into white holes over time.
?Conclusion: White holes are intriguing theoretical constructs with no current observational evidence, challenging our understanding of space and time. Future research may uncover more about these hypothetical entities.