White Collar Week Newsletter July 2024

White Collar Week Newsletter July 2024

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Watch Our Powerful Start Here? Video Below!


The World’s First Support Group Devoted to Those Navigating The White Collar Criminal Justice System. Start Here?

Greenwich CT & Nationwide

It's the isolation that destroys us. The solution is in community.

Instant Live Support for Those in Need!

Our new?website?has 24/7 live chat where those navigating the white collar criminal justice system and their families can reach - and actually speak to - a volunteer within minutes! All freely given at no cost.

Visit our Website


Save the Date: Sat., Oct. 19, 2024: White Collar Conference 2024?

Starting Over:? Out of Isolation and Into Community

The First-Ever Conference?by White Collar Justice-Impacted People,?For White Collar Justice-Impacted People.

White Collar Conference Sponsored by Progressive Prison Ministries/White Collar Support Group?


Volunteer and sponsorship info:?[email protected]

Huge thanks to our conference committee members for their commitment to this historic event: Bill Livolsi, Craig Stanland, Keith Orlean, Drew Chapin, Brent Cassity, Sabrena Morgan, Sean O'Hare, Andrew Garson & Jeff Grant.


White Collar Week Tuesday Speaker Series:?Sabrena Morgan, Criminal Justice Advocate, Blogger,?Tik Tok Influencer,?Formerly Incarcerated Person

July 9, 2024, 7 pm ET, 4 pm PT

White Collar Support Group? Tuesday Speaker Series:?Sabrena Morgan, Criminal Justice Activist, Blogger, Tik Tok Influencer, Formerly Incarcerated Person on Zoom, July 9, 2024, 7 pm ET, 4 pm PT. Start Here?.

To Register:?https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJwtduGqrjwtHtURJZPcmkVkNYg47F4D6NOk

We are honored to have Sabrena Morgan as the July speaker in our White Collar Support Group? Tuesday Speaker Series. Open to all! Sabrena's story of overcoming some of the most difficult obstacles life can throw at someone is not to be missed.

In 2018 Sabrena was sentenced to 9 years in prison for her role in a $4.3 million conspiracy to distribute large quantities of methamphetamine and heroin.

From the show notes of her interview on the Nightmare Success podcast: Have you ever heard of ghost dope? My guest Sabrena Morgan is here to explain what that is and how you can go to prison with a ghost dope conviction. Sabrena has had a roller coaster journey. She was even shot in the back of the head by a police officer while she was a passenger in a car chase. How did all this happen to the girl who came from a strong loving family?

Her early life was about being a honor student and a high school athlete. Her passion was showing her horses nation wide. She even became a law school student, but she had other demons that she was trying to fight off while battling depression, anxiety, and eating disorders. That led her into leading a double life with drugs as her escape from her mind battles. This eventually got Sabrena tangled up with the wrong side of the law. She received a federal sentence of 9 years. This is the place where she started figuring herself out. She worked, taught, trained herself and others, and she wrote. Her writings are fascinating insights into her world.

Please go and read these thought provoking blogs she wrote from prison at?sabrenamorgan.com. She talks a lot about how the war on drugs looks a lot more like a war on mental disorders when you get to see the inside of it all. Addiction is a medical condition and should be treated as such. Sabrena says, "it is easy to live in your world and become complacent. My crazy journey led me to prison for a reason. I set my intentions on making huge changes with myself and delivering awareness to people while I was in prison and now that I am out the possibilities are endless."

Check out Sabrena on TikTok. She has a huge following with important insightful things to say.

To reach Sabrena Morgan:?[email protected]


White Collar Support Group? 419th Meeting Online on Zoom. Start Here?

Mon., July 1, 2024, 7 pm ET, 6 pm CT, 5 pm MT, 4 pm PT

We meet every Monday. Featured in the?New Yorker.?

Watch Our Powerful Start Here? Video Below!

We are a community of individuals, families and groups with white collar justice issues who have a desire to take responsibility for our actions and the wreckage we caused, make amends, and move forward in new way of life centered on hope, care, compassion, tolerance and empathy. Our experience shows us that many of us are suffering in silence with shame, remorse, and deep regret. Many of us have been stigmatized by our own families, friends and communities, and the business community. Our goal is to learn and evolve into a new spiritual way of life and to reach out in service to others.?This is an important thing we are doing!

Over 1000 Fellow Travelers have participated in our support group meetings from Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, District of Columbia, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South America, Central America, Israel, Mexico, Europe, Scandinavia, and the Caribbean.?All have agreed this has been a valuable, important experience in which everyone feels less alone, and gratified in the opportunity to talk about things in a safe space only we could understand.

WCSG members have free access to our private on-line community which features peer and mentoring support, our white collar job and career board, news and events relevant to our community, advocacy initiatives and partnerships with other nonprofits, and a wide array of other resources. We sponsor a monthly newsletter, a Tuesday Night Speaker Series (open to family and friends), social media channels, and our website hosts our widely-read?blog?with over ten years of important content.?

All freely given on a volunteer basis by group members at no cost to you and your family!

Thank you for referring other justice-impacted people and families. We send out welcome packets to every new member:?[email protected].?

Email for Tru-lincs/Corrlinks:?[email protected].

For press/media inquiries:?[email protected].?

IMPORTANT!:?If you are currently on supervised release, probation or parole, it is important that you first discuss this with your P.O. To assist in this regard, information about our ministry is available on?prisonist.org.

Please feel free to contact any?team member?if you are in?need of support, or with?any questions you might have regarding this group, our weekly meetings, or anything else whatsoever.?

Have a peaceful week my friends.?



For details, invitation or to make referrals...

Also, White Collar Week Podcast:?An Evening with Our White Collar Support Group?. 16 support group members share their stories. Link?here.

Watch Our Powerful Start Here? Video:


White Collar Support Group? Blog:?Crafting My Authentic Life Story After Prison, By Fellow Traveler Craig Stanland

Craig Stanland is a member of our?White Collar Support Group? that meets on Zoom on Monday evenings.?

We like to put things, especially people, in boxes.

We like to slap a label on that box and “know” what that person is.

Notice I said what, not who.

“What” is easy.

“Who” involves a deeper level of understanding most people aren’t willing to explore. They’re either afraid to confront their own humanity or to let go of the box they stuffed someone into because that box provides comfort.

Because if we don’t know a person or know very little about them, they’re an unknown.

Maybe we only see a snapshot of how they’re currently behaving or how they behaved in the past. And if that behavior is something we believe we’d never do or be capable of doing, a part of us is frightened of it.

Our brains are nothing more than survival machines; they care about keeping us alive and propagating the species, and nothing more.

When we confront something or someone unknown, it’s a threat to our survival, so we seize the low-hanging fruit of a label to help “ensure” our survival.

We have our box with our label, and we feel safe.

Those labels are really judgments; they’re our opinions and definitions of a circumstance or individual.

I’ve been thinking a lot about this in my own life and the labels and judgments I impose on circumstances and individuals. I’ve been noticing something...

Read Craig's blog post here....

Purchase your copy of Craig's book?on Amazon here:


White Collar Week News & Events?

1.??White Collar Week June ’24 Newsletter:?https://conta.cc/3UVmNyn

2.??WCSG Slack Chat Group:?If you are directly justice-impacted, you are invited to join our Slack chat group for 24/7 support. To request link to join:?[email protected].

3.??Career Information Slack Channel:?We are dedicated to helping our members to find career opportunities and acquire soft-skills and other training to be successful. All new job listings are posted in real time in the Career Information channel of our WCSG Slack Chat Group. We encourage all members to post on Slack any information you might discover.?

4.??Early Release/ First Step Act Slack Channel:?We have a WCSG Slack Chat Group channel dedicated to sharing early release information.?

5.Skool Group:?Our friends at the?Justice Impacted Support Forum?have an online group in which they share vital information for our community. For info and to join:?https://www.skool.com/justice-impacted-support-forum-6039/about

6.?Fellow Travelers in Prison:?If you would like to send letters and/or books from a major bookseller (e.g. Amazon, Barnes & Noble) to Fellow Travelers currently in prison, we now have a dedicated Slack Channel with updated contact information.?

7.??Spiritual Urgent Care 1/2 Hour Mini Meeting, Online on Zoom,?Thursdays, 9:30 am ET, 6:30 am PT:?Please join us for a 1/2 hour midweek check-n. Open to friends and family members too!:?https://zoom.us/j/397962564

8.??Save the Date: White Collar Conference 2024,?Saturday, October 19, 2024:?The first-ever conference for white collar justice-impacted people, by white collar justice-impacted people:?Info:?whitecollarconference.com

9.?YouTube Video: White Collar Week Tuesday Speaker Series - Fellow Traveler Glenn E. Martin, Founder of JustLeadershipUSA, GEMtrainers and GEMrealestate:?https://youtu.be/a5WR4bTcv9s

10.YouTube Video: White Collar Week Tuesday Speaker Series - Doug Berman, Esq., Sentencing Law & Policy Expert:?https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JPnQ1dya8dQ

11.?YouTube Video: White Collar Week Tuesday Speaker Series -Tarra Simmons, Lawyer, Civil Rights Advocate, Washinton State Legislator, Formerly Incarcerated Person:?https://youtu.be/82FgCNZb9wI

12.?YouTube Video: White Collar Week Tuesday Speaker Series - Elizabeth Kelley, Esq., Criminal Defense Attorney for People with Mental Health Disabilities:?https://youtu.be/s6FL5CjyEkI?si=VNnn7psaxguO9tYI

13.YouTube Video: White Collar Week Tuesday Speaker Series - Michele Weinstat Miller, Esq., General Counsel of The Fortune Society, Author, Formerly Incarcerated Person:?https://youtu.be/S1SBgjtIn_s

14.?YouTube Video: We Presented at the American Bar Association Criminal Justice Section Fall Conference,?"Prosecuted Lawyers' Reflections on Prosecutions & Reentry':?https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aGFKuSAHBY8&t=330s

15.YouTube Video: White Collar Week Tuesday Speaker Series:?Jason Bowles, Esq., Criminal Defense Attorney for Hannah Gutierrez, Armorer for the "Rust" Movie Case:?https://youtu.be/OlHiafJwpnM

16.YouTube Video: White Collar Week Tuesday Speaker Series - Fellow Traveler Brent Cassity, Author, Speaker and Host of the "Nightmare Success" Podcast:?https://youtu.be/I3dtA7dG4_k

17.?YouTube Video: White Collar Week Tuesday Speaker Series - David B. Smith, Esq., Federal Restitution & Forfeiture Collection Expert:?https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZfZweg0EL6s?

18.?Entrepreneur: I Went to Prison for SBA Loan Fraud – 7 Things to Know When Taking Government Money: by Fellow Traveler Jeff Grant:?https://www.grantlaw.com/hurricane-ian-fraud-alert-entrepreneur-article-redux-i-went-to-prison-for-sba-loan-fraud-7-things-to-know-when-taking-covid-19-relief-money-by-jeff-grant-j-d-m-div/

19.?Entrepreneur: 9 Things to Know when Hiring a White Collar Criminal Defense Attorney, by Fellow Traveler Jeff Grant:?https://www.grantlaw.com/entrepreneur-9-things-to-know-when-hiring-a-white-collar-criminal-defense-lawyer-by-jeff-grant-esq/

20.?Donations:?Thank you for your generosity in supporting Progressive Prison Ministries, Inc. and our White Collar Support Group?. Please make your check payable to "Progressive Prison Ministries, Inc.,"?a?501(c)(3)?nonprofit,?and send to our mailing address: 516 S. Dixie Hwy., Box 222, West Palm Beach, Florida 33401. Or, please make your online donation here:?https://www.paypal.com/donate?campaign_id=LP57G6978Q7SS.?All?donations are tax deductible to the extent permitted by law.


We have no dues or fees but we do have expenses! Thank you for your tax deductible support!?

As the World’s First?White Collar Support Group?, we strive to be a beacon of compassion, empathy, hope and support for individuals and families impacted by the white collar criminal justice system. Guided by our core values, our members learn to navigate the criminal justice system and its lifelong consequences. We empower our Fellow Travelers to come?Out of Isolation and Into Community, to make better decisions, to take responsibility for their actions, to make amends, and to transform to a more spiritual way of life.

Progressive Prison Ministries?has important and impactful initiatives planned for 2024. We rely on the generosity of our members, families and friends to help us continue our mission, expand our reach, and touch the lives of more individuals navigating the white collar criminal justice system. Your generosity and support makes all we do possible. As a 501(c)(3), your donations are tax deductible to the extent permitted by law. Thnak you for your support!

Please send your check payable to "Progressive Prison Ministries, Inc.' to 516 S. Dixie Hwy., Box 222, West Palm Beach, FL 33401, or make your online donation here:


Newsletter & Conference Sponsor

GrantLaw, PLLC, Jeffrey D. Grant, Esq.?

Private General Counsel/ White Collar Attorney

43 West 43rd Street, Suite 108

New York, New York 10036-7424

(212) 859-3512

[email protected]

We practice in New York and on authorized Federal matters,?and work with local co-counsel and criminal defense counsel to represent clients throughout the world.

Visit Our Website


Newsletter & Conference Sponsor

We highly recommend Brent Cassity’s podcast,?Nightmare Success,?in which he interviews justice-impacted people from all walks of life. He is a?White Collar Support Group?member with a mission to be of service to our community. Please check it out on?Spotify?or on your favorite podcast platform.


Initial Conference Sponsors


More Information

Rev. Jeff Grant, J.D., M.Div.?(he,?him, his)?

Co-founder, Progressive Prison?Ministries, Inc. -?Start Here?.

Greenwich CT & Nationwide

Mailing: 516 S. Dixie Hwy, Box 222, West Palm Beach, FL 33401

Contact us:?prisonist.org/contact


Email:?[email protected]

Donations (501c3):?https://www.paypal.com/donate?campaign_id=LP57G6978Q7SS

Psychology Today:?https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/therapists/jeff-grant-woodbury-ct/731344


not a prison coach, not a prison?consultant

Media Relations:?[email protected]

Newsletter Contains Attorney Advertising.?

Prior results do not guarantee a similar outcome.

? Copyright 2024, Progressive Prison Ministries, Inc., All rights reserved.


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