White Caucuses at Work. Nah.
Dear Free People of the World,?
Word on the street says that now is a good time to tell you why The Equity Consortium doesn't do white?affinity/caucus groups specifically at work,?no matter how evolved and awesome the mission statement. Why? Here's a clue in a screenshot:
We get it, white folks need a "safe space" to "explore new learning" and "not be judged" while?"learning to not say the wrong things". You know what tho? We all deserve what white folks need to learn, especially at work. Here's why we say white affinity/caucus groups have outlived?their usefulness (other than the obvious "Don't know about racism yet? Google it."):
1) The United States of America is a white affinity group that meets regularly in kitchens, classrooms, places of prayer, political rallies, Congresses and Houses, boardrooms, budget hearings, grocery stores, weddings, whole neighborhoods, and cities. It's not hard to find all white spaces, within and outside of work. Seek and you?shall find. Just make sure it's outside of work on your own time and their acronym?doesn't begin?middle,?and end with a K.
2) Employers dedicate actual?resources (time away from productivity at minimum) for?white people's personal growth. And what was done to earn that? Skin color as a sole reason for resource allocation? Yes! But, no.?This smells funny. We should all know what racism is by now (see #1) and what that means for resource allocation's role in fixing it. Speaking of...
3) Who would hire?a non-white consultant to lead it? The only reason the group comes together is based on skin color. Think about this. Now deeper. Did you reach the?performative and painful visits by non-white folks yet? How about the diversion of scarce funding away from the non-white community of experts?
4) No one likes being talked about.?People of the global majority?yet again are left to feel like the subject and not a partner. It's hard to escape the, "What are we going to do about [name/the ____s]?" vibe. Why can't we at least bear witness to white people's uncomfortable learning? Isn't that the healing point, to trust?more?
5) We learn by doing. Why make space for white people?to learn in private?how to not offend "others"? Practice not being offensive with those you've offended before. You gotta ride the bike to learn how to ride the bike.?[Extra Credit: Want to know how to make better serve non-white communities? Perhaps those?who know the answers should be making those decisions.]?
6) That superiority aftertaste tho is overwhelming.?At the end of the day (see #4), it's white people learning how to manage others from a safe distance.?Under the guise of culture ("safe space"), intellectual pursuit ("new learning"), and comfort ("without judgement"), ultimately, whiteness?define us as, "in relation to". To talk about what,?how to use their power instead of sharing it?
Here, a solution (other than institutionalizing those most affected making decisions):
What about a bowling team?or a chess club? If you really want to invite affinities and spend resources, think: Personalities. Interests. Hobbies. Multi-dimensional humans. The organization wants to play culture creator? Just like in school, make it EXTRACURRICULAR, i.e., not on work time. Not all white people like each other because they're white. And, Black people like to bowl too. Learn about the person because practice makes better.
Check this: We don't invite all the white kids out of 4th period once a month to talk about how to treat and play fair with everyone else during instruction time. That just in-your-gut wrong?and institutionally racist. Sooner or later, we're going to need to figure out how to learn together, work together, live together, disagree and figure it out?together, so why not start practicing the new?now.?
Raise the bar. The next time you're interviewing folks think, "Is this person going to need a white affinity group to figure out how to work with others?" If the answer is yes, or even "maybe", remember that this is the best time to raise the bar and practice new standards.
Love is power, and it's strong enough to lift the bar.
"Three Days: A New World?Listening Circle". Seattle, Washington. September 18, 19, 20, 2024. The hours daily are 10:00 am to 4:00 pm. Gratitude for those who've already?registered! Last day to make payment arrangements is September 1st. Afterwards, payment is due in full at the time of registration. Please join us. Stay in tune.
In solidarity,
The Equity Consortium?