Is talk of whistleblower justice / support yet another sham? Letters to Jane Norburg (SEC Chief Office/Whistleblower) and Arne Sorenson (CEO Marriott)

Is talk of whistleblower justice / support yet another sham? Letters to Jane Norburg (SEC Chief Office/Whistleblower) and Arne Sorenson (CEO Marriott)

I always imagined that the SEC Office of the Whistleblower had been launched to protect and in certain cases even reward whistleblowers (particularly those retaliated against) but I clearly misunderstood its modus operandi. However, since being appointed to the role of Chief I have heard nothing but complaints about Jane Norburg. Even a petition went online - "Remove Jane A. Norberg as the SEC's Chief of the Office of the Whistleblower" - detailing what had gone wrong since her appointment in 2016. It wasn't a successful petition but it did contain useful facts and it's worth reading.

In October 2019 a meeting intended to outline proposed changes to the whistleblower programme was cancelled: "The cancellation comes amidst steep opposition to the proposed rule changes, which whistle-blower attorneys and other critics say would diminish the likelihood that whistle-blowers would report financial malfeasance and fraud…"

I have been a whistleblower since 2014. During that time, I have had to answer one series of brief questions which were largely unrelated to the story I had to tell; I also received one short letter in April 2015 from former Chief, Sean McKessy, thanking me for the additional information provided and my "continued interest in the whistleblower programme". Since then absolute silence. I recently wrote to Ms Norburg again informing her of my forthcoming #deathbymarriott hunger strike which, once again, has been received with silence. How can such a serious action (brought about as a result of whistleblowing) be so easily ignored by a department intended to be of assistance?

This is why I am publishing that letter to Ms Norburg (though there are others) for all to read. Attached to that is a letter to Marriott CEO Arne Sorenson which was written and sent at the same time as the Norburg letter. (Letters to the SEC and FTC, have already been published on Linkedin dated April 2nd, 2020: What is going on at the SEC Office of the Whistleblower? People have become extremely disillusioned and suspicious of what may be taking place. 

Here are the letters:

Jane Norberg, Chief                                              Sent by courier mail

SEC Office of the Whistleblower

Securities and Exchange Commission 

100 F Street NE, Mail Stop 5631                             Total no of pages: 28 (27 plus 1)

Washington DC 20549, USA

8th March, 2020

Dear Ms Norberg

TCR Submission Number: TCR1409894852305

I attach here a 27 page document, the last of many, to Marriott International Inc, which informs the CEO, Arne Sorenson, of my imminent "Death by Marriott" hunger strike in protest at Marriott corruption and whistleblower retaliation. Previous hunger strikes in Bethesda MD did result in meetings with CEO Arne Sorenson and other senior executives; however, these simply turned out to be deferment strategies.

Having lost home, savings and had to cash in pensions, this is a hunger strike to death created by the misconduct of Starwood and Marriott and the inaction of all authorities in the US, Thailand and Europe. On discovery of my corpse, an investigation must be mounted into why nobody did anything, over a long period of time, to help save a life. 

I hope that what is attached is enough to remind you of the story to date. However, more details can be found on Linkedin where 22 articles have been published under my name on the matter of Starwood / Marriott / Minor corruption and whistleblower retaliation. Further information can be gained from colleagues in Thailand (friends, former neighbours and justice fighters, including Americans) via the following email:

Before I die, would anyone out there care to see some of the evidence held to support all accusations made intitally against Starwood, but now Marriott who failed to conduct due diligence on information provided before the 2016 merger? In particular, Marriott executives demanded to see evidence of their own culpability yet, when it was placed before them, refused to review any of it. Why? In conjunction with the disinterest of international regulators and government representatives, does this reflect the extent of what many people are now regarding as a major multi-national and diplomatic cover-up? 

This story will not be buried with my body. It would be to everyones' advantage to sort matters out now.

Yours sincerely,

John Shepherd


2nd March 2020

Dear Mr Sorenson,

This will be short and final.

You were asked to choose between the Marriott lie or a human life: "A lie or a life, Mr Sorenson... Which is it to be?" Deadline day was set for March 1st, 2020. That moment has now passed and you have failed to make any further contact. Clearly your mind is now made up and you have opted to sustain the lie rather than the life. Someone will now die in order to save the Marriott Corporation's skin. I asked you for a decision, you have made it and I thank you for that. You will not be surprised to learn that people are already discussing the callous, inhuman aspects of your judgement and actions and the fact that the circumstances surrounding my death, when it happens, could amount to a serious violation of human rights and will undoubtedly require investigation.

The "Death by Marriott" hunger strike will begin presently - not immediately, though sooner rather than later - once my finances have reached the point of total decimation, the result of Marriott corruption and whistle-blower retaliation. The protest will take place as previously announced except that I will, after all, remain contactable on social media, at the request of friends. A daily update on the condition of my health will be posted.

You will not hear from me again though you will hear of me once I have ceased to exist. Specific requests concerning disposal of the body and other matters will be left for you, Mr Sorenson, executor of my will. I trust that all final entreaties will be carried out to the full.

I ought to be feeling angry but instead I retain an enormous feeling of sadness at the way the business world has developed over recent decades. Why was it so impossible to sort this particular issue out (avoiding lawsuits, hunger strikes and death) in a civilized and dignified way? Have corporations lost all sense of human compassion, morality and the ability to see and do what is right? Why do companies have to behave in the manner of the school bully? The abuse of societies, communities and individuals by today's monster global corporations is actually little different to the exploitation of women by certain Hollywood film producers, yet only the latter receive admonishment. There is nothing wrong with making money but it should be done sustainably and not at the expense of other people. We are all equal human beings. "Our modern society is based on greed, envy and power. When you consider all this as it actually is, this overpowering commercialism indicates degeneration and basic immorality. We are destroying the earth and all the things on it for our gratification"...[more specifically, the gratification of a minority] J Krishnamurti

I am glad to hear that your operation has gone according to plan, Mr Sorenson, and long may your recovery continue. Sadly, the cancer that is now eating away at the entire Marriott Corporation, once a company of integrity, now an uncontrollable behemoth, looks less likely to recover soon. Eventually, you will all be held to account for what has happened but I hope that Marriott International itself will one day be able to regain a reasonable sense of humanity, fair play and the ability to act ethically. "How we do business is as important as the business we do" - once a core value, these are now just meaningless words...

Yours most sincerely and sombrely,

John Shepherd

Other link: An open letter to the Marriott Board of Directors, CEO Sorenson and General Counsel Reiss

Harry Vanduyne

Owner, ECL International

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