The Whispering Servant
J.R. Briggs
Leadership Coach ◆ Consultant ◆ Author ◆ Podcaster ◆ Speaker ◆ Founding Director of ◆
In the ancient world, victorious Roman generals paraded through the street past throngs of adoring crowds. Oftentimes the victorious general was accompanied in his chariot by a servant who had one task: to whisper repeatedly in the general’s ear, Hominem te memento! – “Remember that you are but human!" - to ensure the general wasn’t tempted to think of himself as godlike or immortal.?
I have two file folders in my desk drawer: the Uplifting Folder and the Grounding Folder. When I receive an encouraging note or an affirming email, I put it in the Uplifting Folder. When I feel insecure, struggle with doubt, or find myself in a season of discouragement, I pull it out and read the notes, reminding me not everything I’ve done has been a failure. And on the days when I’m a bit too full of myself, where my ego gets in the way of faithful leadership, I pull out the Grounding Folder. Filled with letters and emails from disgruntled people who’ve shared bluntly where I’ve failed to lead or live well, the Grounding Folder serves as that whispering servant in my ear. ?
A humble leader is a healthy leader. What people or systems are in place that can whisper in your ear?? We have important callings to fulfill in leadership, but we must remember: we are but human.?