The Whirlwind Weekend: A Referee's Unexpected Adventure
IVVD Relatie Manager | Vastgoedsturing & Schooldomein | Maatschappelijk Vastgoed | Expert in Media Sales en BusDev | Energiek, Innovatief en Betrouwbaar | Referee Mentor |
Hey there, my fellow sports fans!
Let me tell you about my wild ride last weekend in the world of refereeing.
Picture this: it was Friday evening and my planned game got cancelled last-minute, so I was chilling out, thinking I'd lucked into a Saturday off. The weather promised to be glorious, warm winds blowing in from Northern Africa, and at lunch time I was sipping on a nice glass of white wine, catching up on the weekend paper. Bliss, right?
But then, out of the blue, my phone rang. It was the Dutch FA, with a last-minute plea for help on a U19 derby just a short drive from my place. Talk about a plot twist! Without missing a beat, I ditched the relaxation plans, much to my spouse's shock, and dashed off to the game.
Arriving at the club, I was greeted like a hero. No time to waste – I quickly suited up and dove into my abridged pre-game routine. Kick-off arrived, and I found myself in the midst of a heated match between two local soccer teams with a bit of history. But hey, that's what we live for, right?
Surprisingly, the players were stoked to see a fresh face in the ref's uniform. We got down to business, and I found myself in the zone, dishing out warnings, brandishing yellow cards, and even awarding a couple of penalties. And guess what? Hardly a peep of protest from the sidelines. I couldn't believe my luck!
In the end, the visiting team clinched the victory and the home team was gracious in their defeat. It was a whirlwind of a game, but I wouldn't have traded that spontaneous adventure for anything. Here's to the unexpected twists and turns of the beautiful game!