On a whirlwind rise, Ava Brown author of Bamboo and Fern.

On a whirlwind rise, Ava Brown author of Bamboo and Fern.

Posted on by Fauntee


Ava Brown author award finalist at Divas of colour 2015.

Ava Brown is not just a writer. She has been through it all. Her life an epitome of ‘from grass to grace.’ Interestingly, hers is more than just grace. Ava in the shortest time, has passed all glass ceiling and is now headed for the skies. The rawness of her life story all bared in the debut non-fiction – Bamboo and Fern. That little girl with basket of mangoes on her head, barefooted in the streets of Jamaica, selling one, two, and three pieces of mango each day, could finally find her feet in the executive room, now on her way to ‘Hollywood’. Nothing is as fairy as how things has finally turned out for that ‘mango barefooted girl from Jamaica.’ The harrowing true life story of Ava Brown could be the only story you will ever need to get yourself inspired to sit up. Like it’s said, nothing can stop a mind that is determined. My chat with Ava is more than an eye opener.

 Ava never thought of writing as a career even remotely growing up. She wanted to be a barrister but of course if you know her story that wasn’t possible at the time due to lack of funds. Writing was accidental as you will find out next. Ava began to write as a result of her curiosity to discover who her father was. As she asked, she was shut up with beatings. The more she gets beaten for asking who the father is, the more she’s driven to dig more. Even if it meant to write her thoughts down. “Come on I failed English in high school. I started writing Bamboo & Fern initially accidentally.

“I wasn’t sure who my dad was the beating mum gave me for asking got me writing little notes and hiding them in plastic carrier bags in the bushes. As I got older and my experiences started piling up the pieces of paper became a diary which today is my book. As you can imagine at my age it’s a myriad of events that lead to me writing. Today I just can’t stop, there are over 10 books in me currently. I just need to find the time to get them out. The last one will be called ‘At Last’, I know that for sure.”

Interestingly, this book about the harrowing narrative of what life looked like for little Ava in a little village in Jamaica. I wanted to know how much of the story is realistic, has she tried to protect some people. Or was it an opportunity to revenge. But No. She’s a girl with a heart too. Trying so much to tell the story as raw as possible, yet finding a way to protect those who at last mean just more than life. What chuckles me is even her answer to this. She liked the opening of my question. How cheeky!

“I love the opening of this question, interestingly it’s about you ……(laughs) all of the book is realistic matter of fact it’s not as raw as it should be. I had to preserve people especially when some are family. There are aspects of what transpired that have been wiped out for that sole purpose of just that PROTECTION.”

Why would anyone want to open her life for the world to see? There must be an important message she wants to convey. And of course, there is lots of messages for the audience to grasp from this book of life horror. Unbelievably inspiring as she bares it all. Ava has three major reasons she wants to take you back to where she came from.

Ava Brown with Star of the Pirates of the Caribbean – Winston Ellis at Divas of colour.

“Your background is not a determinant of where you can end up- you are an eagle it depends on how high you want to soar

Education is a great platform out of poverty so use it wisely-it’s the other passport you are given that is permanent apart from the one you are born with

When you fall which you will do, always try to get up and attempt trying on last time, in most cases this is the time when your breakthrough is within your grasp.”

Sitting here with ‘my lady with the pen’, I was thinking, apart from letting others get inspired, I hope that this move has also helped to open a new chapter in her life. It is a obvious question I told myself. How has writing the book empowered you so far? It sounded like the best question ever. You could see her blazing eyes open wide. She’s excited more than ever. Who wouldn’t be. In her own words, she tells me. “Oh goodness – where do I start? My book has given me a new voice; it’s been healing and cathartic but more importantly it has certainly contributed to the confident person I am today. I can openly discuss topics such as: incest, rape, violent crimes, poverty, love and relationships-all of which in my culture are not the easiest topics to address.”
Ava is a winner, although she hasn’t yet become a household name, but she is on a ride that is set to take anyone by storm. And she is grateful that she took the gamble to release this book and won’t be changing anything. If she had to do it again, she would still do it exactly the same way. Bamboo and Fern has been a source of self discovery for Ava Brown. “I am extremely happy with my book and wouldn’t change anything other than wish I was brave enough earlier to have published it.Looking at the title and cover of the book, the natural background, the serenity of the picture was so relaxed and I try to relate the choice of cover design with the horror of the story but, that too eludes me. Why did you choose the cover I finally asked. That too came as accident as I will discover next in her honesty.

“In 2008, while I was going through a very difficult period, someone who is like a sister to me sent me a message, encouraging me to stay strong and bendable; she made reference to me bending like the bamboo. I then researched it and realised that there was a comparison with my life. Using the metaphor of the bamboo, my childhood experiences gave me strong roots to grow, but made me tough. I later realised that, like a fern, I’m vulnerable, but I have a huge capacity for survival”, hence the name Bamboo & Fern.”

In every fairytale, there’s always the Prince to rescue the Princess. Ava’s immeasurable support has been from friends who have read over her work over the years as well as her editors. “I call them my sounding board and pretty much that has been it.” I am truly blessed to have some wonderful people in my camp, my root friends , Kenya, Sherrill, Yvonne , Anna and my daughter she been so supportive I call her my angel . My biggest critic is Chardoane Elizabeth (my daughter), but it’s been constructive and useful.Through the journey as hard as it has been, Ava found that getting the book published was one of the best and easiest thing that’s happened to her. “Getting it published was easy as many publishers liked the story and saw its potential. My story is a universal story though not unique – what’s different is the end and how I made it to where I am today. Not many people who have my story have jumped the hoops I have jumped. That is what makes mine the topical story it is today.”And having to learn that it’s always best to leave things to those who’s job is to get it done. Leave it to the experts. “Have the publishing house do it all if you can afford it. When too many people are involved the stock can get spoilt and I had that experience.”I can see why Ava didn’t have to gamble with the publishing aspect of the story. You don’t want to write a story for over 25 years and then want to play with the finishing. No one does that. She tells me, “The book has been in making for over 25 years, yes a long time. It’s my belief that a book takes as long as it takes.” Finally, it came out after many years. How did she do it? I just wrote when I had the urge,I didn’t adopt a particular lifestyle until I decided I was going to actually publish the book. But, in the year leading up to getting published I was more into staying up late at night to write or getting away to just focus and be alone. For my next nook I want a total retreat as there is so much to say.

If she can do it, then you can do too, is what Ava tells you. “There is a story in all of us and if you can’t get it out there are a number of writing coaches these days – of which I am one. Get the skeleton out and leave the rest to the experts if you aren’t afraid to have a ghost writer. If you want to be the primary author, then find what works best and always remember what you write about could help someone else. If that didn’t motivate you then this should. A book is a tangible business card- take it from me it’s a door opener. A well written book adds credibility to your brand.”

How can readers help to make your book a success? I love this question; they can purchase the book at www.avabrown.org or amazon, if you do please add a review on Amazon as this goes a far way. There is a free sample available on my site just fill the contact form in and write Sample as the subject heading. (www.avabrown.org)

Like the caption can tell, she is on a whirlwind rise, and there are more books, more projects and there’s always something in stock. This is a woman I’ve come to know doesn’t rest or sleep. In her own words. “My new book is out May 30th “The Musings & Thoughts Of Ava Brown” you can expect to see me on your screen in what shape or form mmm who knows? The sky is never the limit so to keep watching .Do join my mailing list on my site or follow me on social media. May I say that Fauntee and I will be tearing down the place – more to come keep reading C. Hub magazine and any good ones and you’re sure to be in for a good ride.

My last question usually is, any surprising thing about you people should know about?

“Haha there are so many but I love Africa I felt so broken when my marriage to my African husband ended. I feel connected to the continent and now I have a half African son. Don’t say a word: I love shaking my booty to Afrobeats.”This is a million woman in one. She didn’t say she has two kids and a full time day job. Ava is an actress, a script writer and is on her way to becoming a successful entrepreneur. She’s the one to watch.



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