--While others were getting it straight….

--While others were getting it straight….

--This is surely an election season and political parties are coming out full throttle to make a win come their way at any cost. While everyone is busy campaigning to prove their favourite political party’s worthiness this guy from West Delhi has his own way of educating it right. Manjeet Singh works for an IT company based out in the capital region receives tonnes of calls from real estate, bank, and insurance third parties affiliates for investment purposes. He is of the characteristics that doesn’t talk too much non sense however becomes witty at times. Very recently he has taken an advantage to make such calls turn into discussing politics and ask caller's point of view on upcoming elections. You just need to ask “Why Modi is worthy to be elected again” this triggers the conversation and the caller feels somewhat comfortable. Telecalling is one of hardest job to perform and convincing someone to buy their offerings is another. As per Singh the fulfilment is when you make someone smiles in today's world and that’s what he does by bringing such conversations. Politics is everyone’s topic today and if you ask someone who you are voting this time they come back with an answer “it is a secret and is something that can’t be revealed”. The next thing you ask them “are you happy with what government is upto” then surely you get the answer.

Let’s find out what he has to say…

Q: Why do you think Modi should be given another tenure?

A: Nobody is my favourite however just 5 years are not enough to make things happen with the population size our nation has. Have I not said 60 vs 5?

Q: What is impressive about BJP led government?

A: Their ideology is more towards building nation and provide viable opportunities to the individuals. My personal opinion is youth has aggression and think tanks should put them to optimal outcomes.

Q: Has NoteBandi and GST put BJP on back foot?

A: Wrong is always wrong if everyone is doing it, and right is always right if no one is doing it. People of our nation has always followed the broken/ leaked framework and adapted it. Now if someone is trying to fix that leakage the adoption is becoming challenging.

Q: BJP supports more Hindus then other communities…

A: Why does this beagle is blown in India only? Ask people do they question government the same in other countries? Our nation is rich in culture has different flavours it’s become responsibility of the government to preserve it. There is no restriction to follow your inner self and liberty to make your point however there is some responsibility not to indulge in activities against the pride of the nation.

Q: Is interim budget satisfactory?

A: Well, there is no universal formula to make everyone happy. Certainly, it stores something for weaker section of the society and middle class. Above all farmers and defence are getting their entitlement.

Q: What would you like to change in “The Constitution of India”?

A: I would like to rewrite it though. The legislation and common law written are inherited from different countries which has not been implemented appropriately. The basis on which the framework is built to govern this nation has been misused at times.

Q: What kind of leaders are needed to make this happen?

A: HAHA… surely not just the advocates and judges, they always put something that favours them. Wise people are hard to find and if you find them you won’t let them speak. The framework should be developed in such a way that it create leaders those think towards the betterment of the society. That’s what nation needs.

Q: What is your opinion on NGOs?

A: Individuals have every right to spread awareness of the benefits that government schemes has for them. There is a strong need of passing the right information to each individuals the schemes that government launched. NGOs should work towards the awareness instead of taking advantages for themselves asking for donations to support the cause.

Q: What do you do for charity?

A: I educate and motivate individuals on the life lessons I learned.

Q: How are you scaling your opinions to the society?

A: I am conveying my opinions through videos on different social channels.

FB: @vaseermanjeet Twitter: @manjeetvaseer Insta: @manjeetvaseer youtube: /manjeetvaseer


