Which and Where are the companies using GOLANG.
You will be shocked to know the names of the companies using GOLANG and some who are switching to GOLANG because of various reasons including its scalability, compiling speed, simplicity, concurrency, etc.
The name of Twelve famous companies include:
SendGrid: This library allows you to quickly and easily use the Twilio SendGrid Web API v3 via Go.
Docker, Inc: Deploying a GO web application with Docker.
Amazon: The AWS SDK for Go simpli?es the use of AWS services by providing a set of consistent and familiar libraries for Go developers.
IBM: IBM intends to enable a native Go (or Golang) compiler on z/OS, further strengthening its portfolio of compiler technologies and partnership with the open-source community.
Netflix: It uses GO for Rend Proxy. The primary use case of Rend proxy is to be on a server where both the Memcached process and SSD-backed L2 cache is present.
Facebook: They have an entire repo dedicated to GO projects that they open-sourced.
DigitalOcean: This has a separate place where you can actually learn GO.
Cloudforce: Cloud rigorously runs millions and millions of computations every second and providing a low run-time environment is critical for the business of every cloud service provider. Go is perfect for large, distributed systems and scalable network servers which make it perfect for Cloud.
Medium: Go is used for image processing at Medium.
Uber: More than a hundred services of Uber have been written in Golang. Such one service of Uber is Geobase, which is the most recent service written in Golang. This service matches rider to the driver, sharding the matching across machines.
Twitch: Golang is utilized for the most-loaded systems at Twitch. It is praised for its readability, security, efficiency, and simplicity. It handles the problems occurring while simultaneously chats & displaying the live videos of a large number of users perfectly.
Fabric: The services of Fabric are written in Go for simplicity of code & easy linear scaling.
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