Which way for an Existence?
Classical views of the world such as the philosophy of Plato and Socrates conceive our world as the degraded reflection of a higher perfect, ideal world that is invisible to us and that is the world of Ideas (or forms).
Our world is a degraded version of the original ideal World of forms. That is a Dualistic view of the world: It is composed of two realms.
Therefore when we come into this world (the fake and degraded version of the original one) a blue print copy of our future existence pre-exists (in the World of ideas).
Our ideal life or existence is up there!
A perfect copy of our life is up there in the ideal realm.
We are bound to living accordingly,
according to those ideals,
to a certain virtue
and to certain guidelines
(a set of already-established rules).
We come into living or into being with a book in our pocket.
We then need to comply!
In other words: we come into an established world where creation has happened. Our mission is to have a compliant life, in order to be saved!
That is the classic way of looking and considering our existence and the fact of “Being” in the world.
Obviously it is not the exclusive way of approaching the world.
The postmodern view of our existence puts forward a different interpretation.
Through the philosophy of Heidegger, the simple fact of “being” took a
totally new consideration. For the first time the mere fact of existing of a “Thing” became the result of an active conscience rather than a fatal and absolute truth.
A “thing” exists only when it becomes the object of an active consciousness.
Our consciousness give birth to facts and things. They do not exist in an absolute way. We “presence” them.
The whole concept of being and existing becomes relative and so does “Truth”.
We come into being into a world of nothingness.
We then build our world by giving opportunity to things to be unconcealed from their state of nothingness.
We come into nothing and build our existence piece by piece.
We master our fate and destiny
We are in a position of choice
We are in a position of power. WE CHOOSE (through our consciousness) what we “presence” into our World.
We have choice whether we live an authentic life or a life of a blind obedience
It is our choice!
Heidegger, Sartre, Camus, Kierkegaard and Nitzsche
chose to
take responsibility for their own choices
for them truth is an act of appropriation
Truth is a an act of "personal selection"
while classically truth is in the realm of the Absolute, truth for existentialists is the compliance of our act of “presencing” with our authentic "Care" or desires.
For the Existentialist, Truth is what fits into his world
and come as true
come into being
into existence
by his own choice.
That becomes his world.
That is the way Reality is built piece by piece.
Heidegger knows of course that during his "presencing" or selection of certain choices rather than others he feel tremendous amounts of pressure.
Such a pressure comes from culture, tradition, family, etc.
We comply or not is not important!
What counts is that at the end We are those who make the Act of choosing, we sculpt the final scenario.
We can always say no to things and then obviously would suffer the consequences of our choice. The possibility of “Choosing” is offered to us!
At the end, the life we live is 100% the result to the choices we have made.
We sculpt our life
We create our life
We are the creators of our lives
Some see in this an empowering message.
However at the same time there is a horrific hidden fact as we then we realize that we are alone in the face of the “Act of Choosing”.
We need to figure it out!
How to build the happiest and the best existence possible despite all the opposing powers and the big deal of confusion.
However, we need to realize that we are powerful enough to choose the outcome we want!
We may be criticized for choices and for certain acts of choosing. However we cannot say: we are victims! We can not claim: “we did not get to choose! We have to assume because at the end of day we real get to choose!
Gr?n Omst?llning Stadsmissionen
7 年Lovely to read, I am of the same opinion, we create our own dream. Which means we really live our dream. As we all know, we can keep dreaming everything awake waking up or falling asleep to make us want to continue dreaming. Just so, life works. It's just the brain that is created by the culture that limits us. If we ponder that we use between 5-10% of our brain, we understand that the capacity is in the rest of the brain. This can be done through different methods. Yoga, meditation, prayer, there are many methods to make use of. I would like to introduce a simple method to start training the opportunity to get what you want. 10-minute contemplation in the morning in what shape suits or religion advocates. Say thank you for everything that has already come to you in life. Ask for help getting a parking space available to you in the morning. I practice it every morning, with fantastic success . Good luck! PS. It always works! It's that simple for those who want to try! You will understand how easy you really can make things happened. Do not forget to also activate the body. The whole system is a device because we all are an energy body connected to same source . Have a wonderful day and tell me about your experiences.