Which Voice Will It Be?
Jared Yellin
Visionary Dadpreneur Catalyzing the Next ERA of Venture Capital + Sustainable Philanthropy | Driving Tech Innovation ????
"When the critics emerge there is only space for one voice to show up…
Your voice of doubt…
Your voice of certainty…
Which voice will it be?"
- Jared Yellin
Take a moment right now and read the next sentence and question and then give yourself a few minutes to feel the outcome of what shows up in your mind, heart, and spirit…
Think back to a time when someone criticized you, how did it feel?
Once you come back to this article, I want you to recognize how valuable having a critic is…
This might not land...yet - but I need you to realize that your critics are your catalyst and they are absolutely NOT your kryptonite.
YES, when your father told you that you would not amount to anything - that was a catalyst!
YES, when an investor said your idea was rubbish - that was a catalyst!
YES, when your 2nd grade Valentine denied you - that was a catalyst!
YES, when no one asked you to prom - that was a catalyst!
Do you realize that EVERY impactful person in the world had a critic that became their catalyst?
Their critic became their drive…
Their critic became their reason…
Their critic became their point of clarity…
But for most - and probably for you…
Your critic enslaves…
Your critic limits you…
Your critic steals life from you…
But maybe you don’t believe me…
Maybe you would rather have your critic be true…
Maybe your critic is actually your savior because he/she is forcing you to play it safe…
Maybe your critic was the best thing that ever happened to you because you were able to settle for normal…
Listen, Don’t Take My Word For It - But Here’s Some Examples Of Catalyzing Critics!
- The Beatles were rejected by record label after record label. One notable response was “guitar groups are on the way out†and “The Beatles have no future in show business.â€
- Van Gogh put up with not only verbal criticism but also complete shunning. He only managed to sell one painting in his entire life.
- In her search to be published, J. K. Rowling received a letter that claimed, “Children just aren’t interested in witches and wizards anymore.â€
- Winston Churchill’s father said that Winston was “unfit for a career in law or politics.â€
- Barbra Streisand’s mother said she’d never be a singer because her voice wasn’t good enough and she’d never be pretty enough to be an actress.
- Henry Morton, the president of the Stevens Institute of Technology, commented about Thomas Edison’s light bulb: “Everyone acquainted with the subject will recognize it as a conspicuous failure.â€
- A modeling agency told Marilyn Monroe: “You better get secretarial work or get married.â€
- In a famous rejection letter, Rudyard Kipling was told by the San Francisco Examiner: “I’m sorry, Mr. Kipling, but you just don’t know how to use the English language.â€
- Henry Ford was told that “The horse is here to stay but the automobile is only a novelty, a fad.â€
There are countless examples of Catalyzing Critics, but I will only share one more to really drive home this point…
When I was in 10th grade, I was in Honors English with Ms. Hade (no coincidence on her name btw!). Ms. Hade just did not like me at all and it showed. She accused me of plagiarism which is a pretty intense offense and proceeded to tell me that the writing was too good to be my own.
This was 20 years ago so I have nothing to hide…
I did not plagiarize, but what Ms. Hade did that day was tell me I was a bad writer.
I could have absolutely allowed her critique to become my reality, but instead, I decided to write furiously.
I started with poetry…
I then transitioned to motivational articles…
From there direct response marketing…
Tons of training content on marketing and sales…
And today a daily article on entrepreneurship…
I have made many many millions of dollars because of my writing and I share this not to boast, but to let you know if I am able to allow my critic to catalyze me...SO CAN YOU!
The last thing I want to do with this article is pump you up…
Rather, I want to help you hear a different voice…
Not the one of DOUBT because your teachers, preachers, family, friends, acquaintances, colleagues, etc. critiqued you…
It’s time for you to hear...
Certainty around your unique abilities…
Certainty around your skills…
Certainty around your aspirations…
Certainty around your drive…
Certainty around your goals and outcomes…
Your mind can only hear ONE internal voice…
And it’s either DOUBT or CERTAINTY - which is it for you?
This is a combination of a CHOICE and HYPER AWARENESS and SEISMIC ACTION!
Whatever your critics told you that you can't do - you must do!
And if you have not done it yet - then there is no better time than now…
Whatever they (your critics) told you was not possible for you is and raring to become probable.
Just make the choice…
Be hyper aware of your feelings…
And take consistent seismic action.
I am certain - SO CAN YOU!
Live with Intention,