Which "Tree" are you climbing?
Paul Nathan CPEng IEAust - Leadership and Management
Senior Project/PMO Manager
Dear Colleagues, I am led to ask you this morning, "which 'tree' are you climbing?"
You see there are only 2 "trees" in life that we can be on, in our pursuit of life.
These "trees" actually mirror the two trees which were originally in the Garden of Eden, which is the "Tree of the Knowledge of Good & Evil " and the "Tree of Life".
The pursuit of climbing each of these trees, actually, represents the different pathways in life we are on, where:
- The "Tree of Knowledge of Good & Evil" represents the pursuit of "Influence" and "Power"; and
- The "Tree of Life" represents the pursuit of "Relationships" and "Love".
So, can I respectfully ask that you take some time to reflect on as to "which tree are you currently climbing"?
If you are in the pursuit of " influence" and "power" as your mission and vision in life, the truth has to be told that you by default, can actually value these more than the people around you.
Such a disposition can result in "using people" to fulfil such an aspiration and will leave you insecure, unfulfilled, anxious, even angry and ultimately lonely.
There have been countless in the corporate environment, especially those in senior management, who have been expanding so much of their energies and resources in climbing this particular tree to the point they are fatigued and disillusioned deep within, all because what they thought to be the "Tree of Life" does not appear to be so, the higher and higher they go!
To make matters worse, they have stamped on and trampled on so many people in their pursuit to get ahead , that the prospect of getting down from such a "tree" is even more a daunting task given that they would need to face many on their way down whom they have trampled on previously.
However, if your pursuit in life is about forging meaningful relationships and growing in love and in blessing others where you deeply regard those around you, then you will well and truly experience enduring peace, honour and fulfilment.....and even "promotions" will start chasing after you.
You see, unless we start seeing people as valuable assets and regard them higher than any personal ambition or pursuit, then our work will become unmeaningful and disillusioning.
Life is primarily all about people and the quality of relationships we have with them, isn't it?
The Words of the Lord ring so clear here as we see from Mathew 16:26 "For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world and forfeits his soul? Or what shall a man give in return for his soul?"
The good news is, there is a way still for those who realise that they have been on a wrong "tree" all these while to make amends and transition onto the "Tree of Life" from where they are at, even now.
This transition is possible through the practice of "The 4E's of People Management", which I like to call it.
This practice comprises of :
Encourage - which simply means, becoming an "encourager" by practising encouraging and motivating people around you, genuine positive affirmations and compliments where and when it is due - "keep looking for and focussing on the "GOLD" in others;
Empower - here it means, purpose to look for ways and means to empower those around you in their decision making and ownership of their responsibilities;
Enrich - yes, delegate and enrich the responsibilities of those who work for you. There is nothing more that gives them security and confidence in their work than knowing that they are upskilled and enriched along the way.
Enjoy - in practising all of the above, I would encourage you to learn to relax and start enjoying those around you. Indeed, there will be difficult people who will always cross our pathways however as we learn to major on the major and not on the minor, we will truly be up and away onto the "Tree of Life"!
Our lives can only be truly enriching and meaningful when we are onto the " Tree of Life" as it is originally intended by our Maker.