Which symptoms does your leader have due to the coronavirus?

Ever since I have been working in a leadership position, I have learned that it is (almost) impossible to please and satisfy everybody. It is in our human nature to have an opinion on everything about anything. And we all want to stand tall by our opinion and share our opinions with everybody. Sometimes we come across people who share our opinion, but being all unique individuals, we often come across people with another, perhaps opposite opinion. Luckily I live in a country where I can freely express my opinions.

A great example can be found in the Dutch politics. Let me use the Dutch House of Representatives as a short example.

In the House of Representatives are 150 seats, which will be allocated among the different political parties according to the results of the election. In the Netherlands it is nearly impossible for one party to win the necessary 76 seats for a majority in the House of Representatives. To form a government, parties will have to approach each other. The formation of the governing coalition starts with accepting and respecting the opinions of others, and building bridges between the differences. Together they form the coalition. All other parties are known as the opposition.

Now during this Corona-crisis, governments are taking their own measures which they believe to be the best measures for their countries. In the Netherlands we’re (still) not under lockdown. Last Monday night, our Prime Minister addressed our whole nation on live television. The last time that we experienced this was more than three decades ago. Besides sharing his compassion and concern, he also explained us the reason for the decisions he has taken to combat this Corona-virus. The reason for the decisions which were made, was because of the advices of experts, such as WHO, RIVM, virologists etc. Our Prime Minister is in office for a decade this year, but this remarkable speech of him will surely be his legacy. He was able to bring a whole nation together in unity and solidarity. No matter your political colors, you felt your leader was acting as the leader of a whole nation, and not just his party. But there’s always opposition and even now there are parties questioning his decisions. They compare us with other countries which are under complete lockdown, imposing we should do the same. And their message might be communicated a little too harsh. And I can only assume what their reaction or opposition would be if we would be under lockdown. Or we do too little or we do too much, but it seems it is never good enough.

I also have seen this same kind of behaviour at different organizations. Some organizations do more than other organizations. I work in the transportation sector, which means that we cannot work from home. While one organization might do nothing except following the advice of the government, WHO and other experts by telling their employees to wash their hands regularly and thoroughly and maintaining a distance of at least 1.5 meter, other organizations might hand out gloves, masks, hand sanitizers etc. to their employees. Which organization is treating their employees better? At which organization do the employees feel more cared for? I have seen a lot of opposition at these organizations, employees complaining to the fullest. But there will always be opposition. Or we do too much or we do too little! It will never be enough.

I have seen so many virologists on the TV lately. It appears to me that they all have a different opinion. But who is telling the truth? Do masks help or not? Do gloves help or not? Do hand sanitizers help or not? Today I have read that the alcohol does not destroy the outer layer of the virus, but soap does. Alcohol is good against bacterias but not against viruses. Than why do we spend so much in producing and buying these sanitizers instead of regular soap?! And today I read in the news paper that an employee at a grocery store was send home because he refused to take of a mask he was using against the virus. The store manager was afraid that the mask would frighten their customers.

I also have a lot of questions! I don’t know what the future will bring us! And as people fear the unknown, their fear might have an unpredictable effect on their behaviour. Our employees are scared and while that does not justify their abnormal behaviour, it does tell us we as leaders have to step up.

This crisis will show us the true colors of leadership. “The pessimist complains about the wind, the optimist expects it to change. The leader adjusts the sails" (John Maxwell).

“In times of crisis, strong leaders show up. They calm the waters. They steer the ship. They maintain order. In times of crisis weak leaders don't. They create panic. They put profits over people. They lead with their fist, not with their heart. You have the power to choose what type of leader you will be. Choose wisely" (Zack Friedman).

Employees deserve, and are especially now in need of great leadership. Don’t fight your employees, don’t flight your employees and don’t freeze. Perhaps they are more scared than you are. They don’t want to fight you, they are just frightened because they don’t know what’s going on. Nobody does. No matter the policy of your organization regarding this Corona-virus, because there are always individuals with an opposite opinion. Accept the fact that there always will be opposition. Just be there for your employees, listen to them, care for them, coach them, help them. And maintain order. Lead with your heart.


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