Which statement do you follow?

Which statement do you follow?

Here is a question or two in light of the recent rash of shootings in this country and that we must work together to stop them. Even if for just one second to acknowledge that our decisions will either carry us forward or move us backward and that what ever we decide will define us as a country.

This image has two statements in regard to human interaction and social behavior. Both of these statements are inherent in our way of thinking, the first statement is from Religious text, while the underlying statement is actually a law in several states. LOVE THY NEIGHBOR is one of the Ten Commandments yet in this overtly Christian society it seems as if nobody follows this rule. STAND YOUR GROUND laws have been in effect for over a decade, while some states have reversed these laws for their implicit racial implications. The state I currently live in (Arizona) still has this law on the books, and it is legal to 'stand your ground' here. I would ask the people who create these types of laws if they know what it feels like to be shot through the heart? I would ask all Religious peoples and all those who are not, which statement do you follow? Why do we still have Racism and when will we finally stop it?

I would ask those who have guns to please put them away and not to point them at human beings. I would ask Police Departments if they could please reform the use of deadly force, I believe expanding the capabilities of the PD to incorporate the use of medical technicians, and mental health specialists when answering difficult calls would eliminate many of these instances. Finally, we must end school shootings once and for all, it is an embarrassment to say the absolute least. We should be ashamed of ourselves for this place we have made, and it appalls me that we will leave this for our children. This will ultimately define us in this period of time and History will not be kind.


Brian Higgins, MFA的更多文章

