Which side of the fence do you sit?
Get Knowledge
Empowering organisations to build HIGH-PERFORMING TEAMS, boost PERFORMANCE, and cut COSTS
Welcome to Issue One, of ‘Get Knowledge Now’…..
This newsletter has been in the pipeline for some time because we wanted to bring more even more accessible value to those we love to support.
However, like a few things we have been pushing the launch date back for some other items we have been working on that we deemed more pressing at the time.
On reflection though, how often do each of us do this? prioritise and de-prioritise, then when up against it recall all the great ideas and things we had planned to do and then either regret never starting them or begin and wonder what could have been if we had started when the original thought popped in our head?
A question though - which side of the fence do you sit?
“How much more could have been achieved if we had just started them?
Starting too many things is detrimental to our output?”
There is plenty of advice out there to support both approaches and with April now ending, this means four months are behind us of 2022 already, which may bring some regret, and oh, what could have been achieved.
So, how many things should you have started that you have put off?
How many things have you started and not finished?
At Get Knowledge, we believe one thing that you should consider before you start something is this:
“Does it move you closer to where you are trying to get to”
Fundamentally to answer this you need clarity on two main things:
1. What is your destination
2. Where you are now
The ‘where are you now’, is real, you can describe it, you can see it, you know what it feels like, and you can hear the conversations that are being had, as you are living it every day!
BUT, often when we describe our vision we do it from an aspirational perspective aligned to a goal or goals, because we are not there we want to find something we can measure so we know when we have arrived.
You often hear Stephen R. Covey quoted as saying “begin with the end in mind”, or his fuller quote in the pic below:
But how clear is your destination if it is only linked to a metric or measure?
AND, how much will your people & teams really understand what it means to them each day and what they need to do to get there?
We encourage everyone especially when ‘forward framing’ into the future to make it real with look sound and feel.
Gaining real clarity of your end destination is about understanding what it will be like to live it and the ‘experience’ for our people.
When you book a holiday, success is often not determined by the average temperature it is by the experience and time you had, the ultimate measure is ‘how you felt’ and ‘did you and your party enjoy themselves’.
So, add the human element to your vision:
1. What will it look like?
2. What will you hear?
3. What will it feel like?
Often when answering these people fall into the ‘generic’ trap, and answer with things like: it will look organised, we will hear praise, people will feel engaged.
NNNnooooooooooo, please go deeper, make it more real, if you had Jason holding one of your hands and Lee the other and we took a walk into your workplace in 12 months’ time:
1. What will we actually see happening? What will people be doing? What will they be using?
2. What conversations can you hear? What words or phrases are being said??
3. How does everyone look? What is the feeling you get walking around?
The more REAL you can make it, the less resistance you will get to it, because we don’t know anyone that doesn’t want to do a good job and really enjoy their place of work, do you??
It has been a busy start to the year, with delivery of some exciting new client engagements and a healthy pipeline of prospective client support, this has resulted in us beginning a recruitment campaign to find additional GK’ers to help us, both perm and associate positions are being considered.
If you believe you align with our FACT (Fun, Authentic, Caring, Trust)?values and want to make a difference to leaders and their teams through a mix of training, coaching and consulting have what it takes to make a difference, then please email [email protected] and let us know why!
We are also ramping up delivery of our training and Group Coaching programmes, which you may have seen all over our Social Media profiles:
Here’s the details:
Build an army of Problem Solvers
‘Save time by investing time’ in building the capability of your people.
Do you have a business problem?? All businesses have problems to solve in pursuit of their business targets. By investing in Problem Solving skills that are applied in the work, a return on investment is guaranteed!
To understand more about this can help you in your pursuit of your goals please message [email protected]
Overcoming Resistance
Do you lead a Change Team, or want to support your Operational Improvement team to deliver more successfully.
People fear ‘being’ changed and this is one of the main reasons change teams face resistance, but this doesn’t have to be the case. Learn and apply the proven strategies to build stronger connection and reduce resistance enabling change to be delivered more sustainable and successful. 1hr a week for 8 weeks through Group Coaching. For more details please message [email protected]
Here are two exciting dates for our Yellow Belt - Team Level Problem Solver!
Day 1 - Friday 8th July 2022 9am - 4pm?
Day 2 - Friday 22nd July 2022 9am - 4pm
Team managers can increase the effectiveness of their problem solving efforts by taking our Yellow belt course, because it provides an easily accessible method for structuring effective problem solving.
If you manage a team or work within a change function you will see or hear about problems all of the time. Its one thing knowing about them and another knowing how to tackle them and so this course is all about giving you a base level understanding of how to structure and execute problem solving at a team level
Get in touch via [email protected] for more information and to book your place
Below you will find some links that we believe supports the content in this newsletter: Get Knowledge Vision Product: Team Vision | Get Knowledge
Simon Sinek Tedx Video - Start With Why?
Business Problems Solved Podcast
What can leaders learn from Customer Experience (make it real with look, sound & feel)??
And that’s it, Issue One complete, if you know anyone who is in a people or change leadership role whom would benefit from our monthly musings, then please share this with them, and to understand more about who Get Knowledge are and how we help please visit our website.
Have a great month
Lee & Jason
That was a blast. See you next time…
2 年Love the ‘how will it feel’ aspect. So few leaders actually ask this question.