Which of these Quantum Marketing tactics will you apply in 2020...?

Which of these Quantum Marketing tactics will you apply in 2020...?

Whilst many will be thinking about adding the latest technology, software or apps to their marketing in 2020, up to 88.3% of your competitors probably won't practice these powerful "forgotten" yet timeless marketing principles in 2020. Question is - Will you?

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Want Less. Give More.

Stop thinking you’re in a state of lack. You have an abundance of knowledge, skills, experience and wisdom. Think of more ways that you can share this through:- Blogs, Group posts, Forums, Status Updates, Videos, Workshops, Webinars Articles & Podcasts.

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Stop Holding Grievances

 Your attachment to people, situations and events in your past can often prevent growth for the future. Focus your attention on compassionate action and excellent service. Holding Grievances prevents you from growing and from embracing others. Letting go of personal grievance will build your personal power and be reflected in all your marketing.

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Never Pre Judge

 Our Judgement or pre-judging of others can often prevent good collaborations from forming. Are you really superior or inferior to your competitors, clients or prospects? To be intolerant of others habits, modus operandi or relentless self promotion can sometimes just amplify some of the failings you may have. Are you perhaps arrogant, or unwilling to embrace the change that others are embracing with Gusto?

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Stop Doubting Yourself

 If you doubt your self, your product or your ability to market yourself – what will your prospects and customers think? Stop looking for the negative, the downside or for confirmation of your doubts in someone or something – for you will find them. Think how much former employers have invested in you over the years. Go on, multiply your average salary in full time employment by the number of years you’ve been working – and that’s how much others have invested in you because you’re worth it. Now it’s time to share that worth and value to others who also need it.

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 Banish Fear for ever

 What are you afraid of? What’s the worst that can happen? Your Biggest Fear of all is Fear itself for everything else is merely False Evidence Appearing Real. If you’re lacking leads, enquiries, prospects, sales, traffic or referrals, then identify the resistance that’s holding you back with a marketing audit to identify what’s preventing you from achieving the results you want and voila, you take the first step in going forwards: CONFIDENCE. This prepares you with the right mindset, to then focus on a new strategy and then the tactics you need to implement.

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You’re panicking because you want more leads, more sales, more referrals. You’re showing negative emotions because of the negative circumstances you find yourself in. But what are you grateful for – demonstrate your gratitude and start generating positive feelings. These positive feelings will emenate confidence instead of doubt and worry, and this will be reflected in all areas of your marketing, and will attract prospects, partners and clients.

 Now, what is the first marketing goal or objective that you want to achieve in 2020?

 If you want some Free help, guidance, and support to identify, pursue and achieve your goals and objectives, why not claim your Free Membership to Grow Your Business Club at https://www.facebook.com/groups/growyourbusinessclub/



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