Which one are you? A responsible driver or a responsible passenger?

Which one are you? A responsible driver or a responsible passenger?

Traffic accidents are a dreadful, catastrophic possibility that no one wants to encounter. Yet, they are one of the main causes of death across the world. In India alone, 3,74,397 accidental deaths occurred in 2020, with road crashes accounting for more than 35% of these fatalities.

While there is no certain way of avoiding accidents, careful and responsible driving can minimise the probability of such a tragedy. Below are a few strategies that you can implement to prevent traffic accidents, even on the crowded roads of India.

Driving responsibly

As a driver, you need to develop the attitude and maturity necessary for driving from the get-go. Make a promise to yourself that starting today you would practice safe driving. You have a responsibility to yourself, your passengers, and other drivers as a driver. Some of the things you can do to drive responsibly are:

  1. Follow safety rules, including wearing your safety belt in a car, avoiding drinking and driving, and not using your phone while driving. Also, following the speed limit is something not many people pay heed to. Unfortunately, overspeeding causes more than 60 per cent of road accidents, resulting in thousands of deaths and lakhs of injuries.
  2. Be aware of your surroundings when driving; avoid using a cell phone or headphones in heavy traffic.
  3. Keep a safe distance from the cars in front of you.
  4. While trying to overtake, avoid cutting in front of other cars or passing cars that are turning on the same side.?
  5. There is a blind spot between what you can see in the side rear view mirror and what you can see in the inner rear view mirror. Keep it in mind while driving.

Being careful on the road:

Being careful on the road is not limited to driving; you can also take some measures to avoid accidents as a pedestrian, cyclist, or passenger.

  1. If you are on foot or cycling after dark, wear clothes that make you visible. Also, add some reflective elements to your shoes, backpack, bicycle etc.
  2. Never try to cross the street if you can see a car coming or passing across a closed railroad crossing.

Even though there is no 100% effective way to avoid accidents, following these strategies will still cut down the risk and help you remain safer on the road. Remember, two of the most important things you can do to prevent accidents are to be responsible while driving and to stay aware of your surroundings.



