Which One Is Better: Extraversion Or Introversion?
Mona AlHebsi FCIPD, PMP, PCC
Emiratization Strategist | Career & Leadership Coach | Instructor | Building High Impact Careers & Workplaces | I help people transform their careers with personalized career coaching and counselling strategies.
Credits: Ali Noura (Translated)
Many people have a mindset that certain personality traits are superior to others, just because of the common misconceptions that we hear around us frequently or the traits the majority think will qualify someone for success in life. That couldn’t be further from the truth as we will highlight today in this article. In fact, each person is unique, and every personality trait has its cost if it was not balanced.
There are many personality models, types and tests that are used to frame the human behavior and thus understand similarities, differences, and the impact of certain behaviors. The most popular and commonly used personality assessment by Career Professionals and Psychologists is Carl Jung’s Big 5 Personality Traits. Also referred to as “OCEAN ASSESSMENT” which measures the following aspects:
In this article, I’d like to shed light on Extraversion VS Introversion, which is one of the 5 prominent personality traits as described by Carl Jung and will examine which side is better or more advantageous to adopt for our success and overall well-being in this life.
Let’s first start by defining the terms; Extraverts get their energy from interacting with others, while Introverts get their energy from within themselves. Extravert people are more talkative, energetic, and assertive while introverts are quieter, more reflective and have better self-awareness.?
This is not to say that extroversion is better or more desired than introversion or vice versa because this mostly depends on how each one of us is wired and as a result where the FOCUS tends to be; is it mainly on the external world or the internal world? The other question we are raising here is: What is the cost of choosing to live with only one of the extremes? Meaning should we decide to be fully extraverted or fully introverted?!?
All of us possess both extraversion and introversion traits within us but, generally one tends to supersede and thus drive our personality and preferences in life. It’s like we have all been placed somewhere on an Extraversion VS Introversion spectrum and our aim throughout our life then becomes to maintain the BALANCE between both aspects so that we can live a more meaningful life. As we all know that nothing is set in stones and we all can learn, develop, and become better to get better results, so this is just a small note to those people who claim that they cannot do anything to improve their existing skills and behavior and thus impact their own lives positively.
A word of caution here is not to try and fit in with your most dominant personality trait or think that you have an advantage over others who have opposite traits whether for extraversion or introversion because this means that you will end up paying the price on the other less dominant trait. What does that mean? Let me give you examples.
All of us are required to be extraverted on some occasions in our lives to be more effective in what we do and thus achieve our goals. In a way, the facilitation of a lot of key matters in this life is determined to a big extent by other people i.e., your reach or social network. In other words, how well you are connected and the quality of people in your circle who can help making your life easier make all the difference. In the same way, we all need to be introverted in scenarios when we need to pause, reflect, meditate to be more self-aware and that period of mindfulness will help us recharge our batteries so that we are then able to interact with others in a clear state of mind.?
So, what is the cost of choosing any of the extremes? For extreme extroverts, their inner life will suffer, they will feel disconnected with own self and intuition, they won’t be able to harness on their imagination, nor pause neither reflect, etc. This means, extremely extraverted people may seem to have a perfect life to other people, but the quality of their inner world will be very poor, unfortunately. In addition, people who don’t have a rich inner life lack sense of meaning and fulfilment. One easy tip for extraverted people who struggle to focus their energy inwards is to start practicing meditation.?
Similarly, for extreme introverts, social life will suffer if they don’t make genuine attempts to develop their social and interpersonal skills to connect with the outer world. It may not be the most exciting thing to do initially but like anything else in this world, practice makes perfect. An easy way for introverted people is to start having conversations with others by mastering the art of asking questions. By doing this, introverted people will divert all the attention on other people and let them speak while they listen and that takes half of the pressure of introverts and make them likeable because people generally enjoy talking to people who show interest in them and have good listening skills.?
So, to break the ice, as an introvert, you won’t really need to do much in any social setting other than to be there and show your interest in people by asking them questions then listening to them while they talk about themselves! Doing this alone will give others the impression that you are a good speaker just because you are a good listener! Most people don’t have someone to listen to them, so, asking questions then listening will make people enjoy your company and help you overcome your social fears.?
Humans are adaptive and progressive beings; we have tremendous abilities to acquire new skills and learn new behaviors to reach our goals. In this context, we should be able to play both extravert and introvert roles at the same time as applicable and would serve us better.
Our choice to which of these traits we need to adopt will be determined by different factors such as: our current needs, phase of life, aspirations, goals, and priorities. For example, If your job demands you to lead teams, achieve results or motivate others then naturally you need to wear your extravert hat to be able to fulfil your responsibilities better. On the other hand, if you feel drained by the constant social stimulations, you need to pause and reflect, meditate, or spend some time in silence to reorganize your thoughts and complete that task or finish writing that book, then go ahead and do just that!
Once you have developed the ability to enjoy quality self-time or aloneness; here, you are most certainly ready to go to the outside world and share your knowledge, wisdom, and gifts with them. In a nutshell, anyone of us should be able to bounce back and forth between extraversion and introversion flawlessly as needed in order to maintain balance in life. Interestingly, while researching on this topic, I’ve come across a term called “Ambivert” and that is believed to be the equilibrium point between extraversion and introversion that is highly recommended and where one can strike the desired balance between both extremes.
Give it a try and witness yourself how the dynamics change and how soon you will be able to build a second nature beside your original tendency or preferred style. This way, you will become a “richer” person in substance and have access to more tools to help you navigate through life using two different styles to respond to the various life scenarios effectively.
To sum up and answer the main question, “Which one is better: Extraversion or Introversion”? It’s the same as asking, “Which one is better: Sun or Moon; Day or Night”? We certainly know that both are needed to function effectively in this life. Whilst we need Sun, Day, or Extraversion to do, create and achieve; we equally need Moon, Night, or our Introverted traits for that matter to be, pause and reflect, then combine both to live a more balanced and fulfilling life.?
So, the next time whether you hear people around you envy extraverts for their active social life or criticize introverts for their calm and reserved nature, you would know that there is much more to the story than this. You will be able to highlight the “unseen” challenges of each category to change the common perception about extraversion and introversion while suggesting ways to help each of them to grow and develop.?
About Author:
When was the last time you have done something extremely courageous and gone against the mainstream? Multiple Awards Winning Hotelier, HR Practitioner, Success Coach, Speaker and Author of “Beat The Odds” Mona AlHebsi, can introduce you to some simple steps that will help you achieve harmony from inside out and attain personal and professional mastery.
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