Which Energy Blocks Are Keeping You From Finishing Your Book?
When you're inspired to bring a new book into the world, you have an intangible creation inside of you that isn’t yet fully formed. Like gestating a baby, this creative force needs your presence, attention, and nourishment to grow and become a sovereign entity that lives outside of you.
Before your book arrives in your hands, you are its nurturer, its creator. And, to deliver your creation into the world, it's critical to embrace your whole self— body, mind, heart, and soul —and see the book-birthing process as the holistic journey it is.
In our five years of coaching leaders in writing their books, we've found the most powerful tool for helping authors find clarity and flow in their writing is guiding them in working with their internal energy.
As energetic beings, we are designed with an innate operating system called the chakra system. There are seven main chakras (energy portals) within the physical body that move energy into and out of the body. This energy nourishes our organs and internal systems while connecting us to the external world and the greater universal source of energy.
How the Chakras Affect Your Writing
When balanced and open, your chakras allow energy to flow through you, including the inspiration and words to effortlessly write your book.
When the energy flow through the chakras is out of balance, this results in physical, mental, and emotional imbalances, which impede our experience of flow as we write. These internal obstacles are the root cause of what many refer to as writer’s block.
Imbalance in the Seven Chakras
When your energy centers are blocked or out of balance, here’s how that may show up on the book-writing journey:
Root Chakra Imbalance: Feeling confused, ungrounded, or having anxious thoughts
Sacral Chakra Imbalance: Lacking creative ideas or insight; feeling uninspired
Solar Plexus Chakra Imbalance: Procrastination, distraction, self-doubt
Heart Chakra Imbalance: Writing that feels impersonal, overly intellectual
Throat Chakra Imbalance: Limited self-expression, holding back your authentic voice
Third Eye Chakra Imbalance: Lacking clarity or trust in your intuition, insight, or inner knowing
Crown Chakra Imbalance: Disconnected from your higher purpose or a higher perspective; can’t see beyond your egoic desires
Finding Flow
When you intentionally work with your energy as you write your book, you are more easily able to move through obstacles, hear and trust your inner wisdom, and find more momentum as your writing pours through you onto the page.
By combining the four practices of the FLOW method, detailed in our blog, Four Ways to Find Flow As You Write Your Book, you are laying a solid foundation for success as you begin organizing and writing the chapters of your book.
1. Follow the Breath
2. Let Go of Fear
3. Own Your Inner Wisdom
4. Write From the Heart
Understanding how energy moves through you as you write your book is incredibly valuable. When you do, you can learn to balance your chakras and become a channel for wisdom and words to flow through you, which makes your writing experience exciting and joyful!
Reflection: Which chakra imbalances described above are showing up in my life or my book-writing journey?
Want more guidance on working with your energy as you write your book?
Check out Modern Wisdom Press Cofounder Catherine Gregory 's new book, Awaken Into Flow: The Soulful Leader's Guide to Writing a Transformational Book. In the book, you'll be led through dozens of flow-writing prompts and guided meditations that will empower you to overcome obstacles and consciously write with flow.
Download a FREE preview of the book, including flow-writing prompts, at https://www.modernwisdompress.com/awaken-into-flow.
Ready to jumpstart your book journey? Here are three ways Modern Wisdom Press can help: