Which creatives are making six-figures?

Which creatives are making six-figures?

The US labor market has fully recovered from covid. The addition of 528,000 jobs in July beat economists’ expectations, bringing employment back to pre-pandemic levels. Despite the booming job market, GDP data still shows the economy is contracting.

Web3 artists and designers are earning six-figure salaries. The “starving artist” trope isn’t true for everyone—a new survey finds that creatives in the US have seen a 40% increase in wages compared to 2021, with those working in emerging technologies earning an average of $312,000 per year.?

What’s your take on Web3?

Drop a ?? if you’re skeptical, ??if you don’t even get what it means, ?? if it seems the idea has potential, and ?? if you’re fully aboard the blockchain and metaverse train. Or drop a comment below!

Heat exhaustion is a deadly threat to workers. UPS truck drivers have been recording over 120°F (almost 49°C) temperatures in their trucks, an extreme level of heat that may have led to the death of driver Esteban Chavez. Now, the Teamsters Union is fighting to get better safety protections.

Pay raises at Starbucks might just be an anti-union tactic… The coffee retailer has implemented a pay raise for retail employees who have worked at the company for two years, but has excluded workers at unionized stores, potentially placing a chilling effect on organizing efforts amid a slowdown in unionization bids.??

…as Apple would know. Momentum to organize has slowed after the first Apple store unionized in June, likely because the tech giant improved pay and benefits for its roughly 65,000 retail workers.?

Hindou Oumarou Ibrahim is a member of Chad’s nomadic Mbororo people, and an environmental activist that believes indigenous knowledge can be used to help combat climate change. Explore Africa’s regional developments, emerging industries, and inevitable complexities each Sunday morning in our free newsletter, the Quartz Africa Weekly. Sign up today!



