Which Chart to use when -Bubble Chart_Part-6
Ijtaba Hussain
14k LinkedIn Members | Data Analyst | Data Science | Machine Learning | SQL | Python | PowerBI
We always got confused when to use what kind of chart for our data so that end user can understand it without any confusion:
Lets understand Bubble Chart in our second part:
When to use it: Use a bubble chart to display the relationship between three variables.
Type of data: Continuous, multivariate.
What it shows: Bubble charts are a variation of scatterplots, with the size of the bubbles representing the third variable..
When to avoid it: Don't use a bubble chart when the size of the bubbles is not meaningful or when comparing multiple categories.
Which application to use: #excel , #python , #r , #googlesheet
You download a free book on Chart types and its usage.
You can read more how to create bubble chart in excel from the link.