Which Career – that is the big question
Each year thousands of teenagers and college graduates leave school having no idea what career path to take. They receive lots of suggestions from well meaning parents, teachers and friends. They’ve taken all the tests and still they are at a loss. This may continue on through the adult years. And then only by luck, and sometimes through coaching, they may eventually find a career they are passionate about. Many don’t.
Proving the system. The clues to our innate talents and abilities can be seen in the physical features of our face. Clues we have simply ignored. Yet if we were to meet a group of people who are in the same profession, we would probably notice that many of them would have one trait in common.
For example: Individuals with close set eyes do very well in careers that require a lot of detail. How do we determine if the eyes are close or wide set? We actually measure the width of the eye and compare it to the space between the eyes. If the space is smaller than width of an eye, then the eyes are close set. These people will enjoy careers such as dentistry, medical field, accounting, teaching, psychology, electrician, construction also professional tennis, golf, gymnastics or any sport where focus would be an asset.
Does it mean that people with wide set eyes would be less capable in these careers? No, they would just have to work harder to get the same results. Generally, wide set eyed individuals do better in jobs that need less detail, unless of course they have the perfectionist trait. This is determined when the outer corner of the eye is lower than the inner corner. That trait would then over-ride the wide set eyes. You would often see the perfectionist trait in any career where precision is needed. Such as editing, construction workers, electrolysis professionals.
Current Studies
Over the last few years, I have been conducting blind studies with career counselors to see how my computerized career program compares with the more traditional tests. We are finding a match for both careers and personality assessment. The major difference is that my assessments are from photographs and offer a lot more insight.
If the traditional methods are not helping, then perhaps it’s time to look at a new approach, this is particularly important for helping your children find their path in life. Plus it helps you as a parent to better understand and communicate with your children. It provides a road map or a guide as to your children's innate talents and abilities plus career suggestions. It will give your children a better start in life, especially if they are in high school or starting out in College or University. I have met with a number of students and they have all expressed how much the assessment has helped them. It gives them a new level of confidence knowing they are in the right direction.