Which came first; Water or Energy

Which came first; Water or Energy

Yesterday, 22nd March was World Water Day. Every year since I could remember - I had celebrated the day through my love for oceans, passion for clean drinking water access and the freshness and calm that precedes after a good rainfall. I always remember March 22nd, it's a day after my mum' birthday (and now the birthday of my Law School buddy, AZ). March 22nd means alot to me and I am a tad bit disappointed that I missed a chance to celebrate it the way I'd usually try to....

The first time I came across Charity: Water was in 2015 maybe. The University of Derby Volunteering society which I co-chaired had fundraised over ï¿¡5,000 for Water Aid. I become obviously curious to know what other charities had made it their mission to provide half of the world population with clean water.

Did you know Flint, STILL does not have clean drinking water...and that's in America. [Michigan Ex-Governor might be going to trial for this, so advocacy right?]

When will the other nations who have millions of people without access to clean water go to trial? I'm Nigerian and have lived here since 2018...My family and friends in Lagos still have to go through extreme ends to get water despite living in one of the 'luxury' locations in Lagos [Apparently, because the city was built over water...it's harder to drill down for clean water...] Again, that's in Nigeria right?...people in Lagos should be able to afford access to clean water.

Well how do people get clean water, it's not from the sky.

No, clean water is mostly pumped from the bedrocks of the ground. Not to get too technical but we've all seen a pump machine...if you haven't here is how one works

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A pump machine...(wait for it) needs energy to operate [see the tag on the photo: Power]. Now, America's Flint area water pollution is artificial if I must categorize. But it was largely caused by pollution from industries.

For Nigerians, this borehole as commonly know is a basic amenity in almost every residence. To pump for water, you need energy...

So this is me, a leader of over 4,000 student fundraisers, trying to meet targets for my team as well as studying as a Law Student...trying to decided which I was most passionate for access to clean Water or access to Energy.

You could say I chose Energy, because atlas..here we are. But without water, we won't have the energy to make a choice. I really hope next #WorldWaterDay, I get to be by the ocean.

If you know any local (Nigeria) charities advocating for clean water, please send my way!

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Photo: Druridge Bay is a 7-mile long bay on the North Sea in Northumberland, England, stretching from Amble in the north to Cresswell in the south. 

[ I've not been the most inconsistent on here, but if you engaged this and would like to read more from me, please give this a like, comment and share... and i'll see you soon ]


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