Which Is Better for Your App: Angular or React?

Which Is Better for Your App: Angular or React?

A precise side-by-side comparison of Angular and React's general and technical elements:

Quick Overview


React is a JavaScript-based UI development library. React JS Development is run by Facebook and an open-source developer community.

In May 2013, the framework was unveiled.


Angular is a JavaScript framework for online and mobile development that is free to use. Angular JS Development is written in TypeScript and is overseen by Google's Angular Team and the Angular JS developers community.

Angular was released in September 2016 as a complete redesign of Angular JS, which debuted in 2010.



Because React is a UI development framework, apps created require extra libraries. Redux, React Router, and Helmet, for example, optimizes the state management operation, routing, and API interaction.?

Data binding, component-based routing, project generation, form validation, and dependency injection all necessitate the installation of extra modules or libraries.


Angular is a full-fledged software development framework that does not typically require any other libraries. Data binding, component-based routing, project generation, form validation, and dependency injection are all functions that may be implemented using the Angular package.

The Learning Curve


React is simple: no dependency injection, no traditional templates, and no unnecessarily sophisticated features. The framework will be relatively straightforward to grasp if you are already familiar with JavaScript,?

However, learning how to build a project takes some time because there is no standard project structure. You'll also need to master the Redux library, which is used for state management in more than half of React applications.

Constant framework modifications necessitate additional effort on the part of the developer. There are more React recommended practices that you will need to understand to do tasks correctly.


Angular has a large library and learning all of the concepts connected with it will take much longer than learning React. Angular is more difficult to grasp; there are a lot of superfluous syntaxes, and component management is complicated.?

Some complex features are embedded in the framework core, which means the developer must learn and use them.?

Although TypeScript is similar to JavaScript, it is harder to master. Because the framework is regularly updated, the Typescript developers must spend extra time learning.



The React framework is one of the most popular JS frameworks in the world, with a large community supporting and developing it.

Working with React requires you to be a lifelong learner because the framework is frequently updated. While the community strives to provide the most recent documentation as soon as possible, keeping up with the changes is difficult.?


Because of the unpopularity of Angular 1.0, Angular is less admired than React and suffers a lot of mistrust. Developers used to criticize the framework as unnecessarily complicated because it needed a significant amount of effort to understand. As this framework was created by Google, it lends credence to Angular.

Google provides long-term support for the framework and is working to improve it. However, because the revisions are so frequent, the documentation slips frequently.



The addition of the virtual DOM increases React's performance greatly. The burden on the browser is decreased because all virtual DOM trees are lightweight and created on the server.?

Furthermore, because the data-binding process is unidirectional, bindings are not given to watchers as Angular does. Thus, no additional workload is created.


Angular performs worse, particularly in sophisticated and dynamic online apps. Bidirectional data binding degrades Angular app performance.

Each binding is given a watcher to track changes, and the loop is repeated until all of the watchers and associated values have been examined. As a result, the more bindings you have, the more watchers are produced, making the procedure more difficult.

However, the most recent Angular release has substantially improved its performance, and it is no longer behind React. Furthermore, an Angular application is slightly smaller in size than a React application.

The language


React is built on JavaScript ES6+ and JSX syntax. JSX is a syntax extension that makes JavaScript code look like it was written in HTML. It makes the code easier to read and typos more visible. React is enhanced using Babel, a code translation tool, to allow the JSX code to be compiled in a browser.


Angular can make use of JavaScript or TypeScript, a superset of JS created primarily for larger projects. TypeScript is smaller than JavaScript, the code is easier to read, and mistakes are easily detected. Refactoring code becomes easier and faster as well.

App Design


The framework of React allows developers to make their own decisions. There is no such thing as "the only proper structure" for a React project. However, the requirement to create the app structure at the start of each project makes it more difficult and time-consuming to get started.

Furthermore, React only provides the view layer, with the model and controller provided through the use of other libraries.

A React app's architecture is component-based. The code is composed of React components that are rendered using the React DOM toolkit and are directed in two ways: functional (through a function that outputs JSX) and class-based (with ES6 classes)


Angular's structure is stable and complex, making it appropriate for experienced developers.

Model, Controller, and View are the three levels that makeup Angular. The controller initializes and displays an object responsible for the model with the view.

The application code is made up of various Angular components, each of which is written in four independent files: TypeScript to implement the component, HTML to define the view, CSS to define the stylistic aspects and a specific file for testing.?

Links to these files are included in the app directive, which reveals the program's structural logic. Angular components, on the other hand, are reusable.

User Interface Components


The community creates UI tools for React. On the React portal, there are numerous free and premium UI components. To use material design components in React, you must first install the Material-UI Library & Dependencies.


Angular includes a Material Toolkit with a selection of pre-built material design components. There are numerous buttons, layouts, indicators, pop-ups, and form controls to choose from. As a result, UI configuration becomes easier and faster.



Templates and logic are explained in one place in React - at the end of the component. It enables the reader to immediately grasp the meaning of the code, even if they are unfamiliar with the syntax.


Each template in Angular is returned with an attribute, which is a directive on how the object should be set. The syntax of Angular directives is complex and sophisticated, making it confusing to a reader unfamiliar with this technology.

Administration of the State


Each component in React has its own state. React JS developers can design custom components to hold the state of the entire application or a specific section of it. The main problem here is that the global state must be kept in many areas of the app, with data manually shared around different component tree levels.

There is a unique state management library called Redux that can help with this situation. The notion is that the global state is represented as a single stateful object that can be changed in different portions of the app using reducer-specific Redux functions.

MobX, a state management library, provides another option. Unlike Redux, which stores the global state in a single immutable stateful object, MobX stores only the minimal required state, while the rest can be derived.


Component data is stored in component properties in Angular. Data is transmitted from parent to child components. State changes in some portions of the app can be discovered and recalculated, but in a large program, it can result in a multi-directional tree chain of updates that is difficult to manage.

The features can be enhanced by using state management libraries such as NgRx or RxJS, which ensure that the data flow is unidirectional.

Infusion of Dependency


Because it does not fully support functional programming and data immutability, React does not fully allow dependency injection. Instead, all components have a global state.


The most significant advantage of Angular is that, unlike React, it enables dependency injection. As a result, Angular supports distinct lifecycles for different stores.

Data connecting


Data binding refers to the process of synchronizing data between a model and a view. Redux, which allows you to work with immutable data and makes data flow unidirectional, should be used in conjunction with React. Unidirectional binding is predictable, which makes debugging easier.


Angular supports bidirectional data binding as well as changeable data. While the benefits of mutable and immutable data are debatable, it is undeniably easier to deal with bidirectional data binding than unidirectional data binding.?

At the same time, bidirectional data-binding degrades speed because Angular creates a watcher for each binding automatically.

Alter the Rendering

React uses a virtual Document Object Model (DOM), which allows for the easy implementation of minor data changes in one element without having to update the structure of the entire tree.?

The framework stores data structures in memory compute changes, and efficiently refreshes the DOM displayed in the browser. In this manner, the full page appears to be rendered on each change, although the libraries just render altered subcomponents.

Fiber, a method intended to increase the productivity of change rendering, is constantly being improved by the React team.


Angular is an all-encompassing mobile and web development framework. React is a UI development framework that can be expanded into a full-fledged solution with the help of additional libraries.

At first, glance, React appears to be simpler, and it takes less time to get started on a React project. However, React's fundamental advantage of simplicity is negated because you must learn to interact with extra JavaScript frameworks and tools.

Author Ashwini Sreenivasan



