Which is better working for a Service based company or a Product based company ?
Naval Kosambe
Principal Consultant D365 BC at Mercurius IT with expertise in Microsoft technologies
This is the most obvious question which developers ponder upon. Let me be very clear that it is very difficult to answer, it all depends upon ones perspective i.e. what are the preferences of a developer, what kind of challenges a developer likes to face, what are the skill-sets at which a developer is good at.
I have listed some of the basic pointers which will help to clear doubts these are based on my exposure to the industry and are not exhaustive.
Working for a Service based company:
-If you like really challenging technical work, then service based is definitely not for you.
-You might have to work for long hours to prove your worth because there is not much scope to rise by sheer brilliance.
-If you really want different projects, and want to work in different domains, then nothing like service based company.
-Unlike a product based company which generally has top notch talent, if you are really sharp it is relatively easy to grow in a service based company.
Working for a Product based company:
-Being in product based company does not guarantee a great technically challenging work. But probability of getting good work is higher.
-Also, in product based companies chances of working with new technologies is higher.
-You are usually surrounded by really good talent. That also contributes a lot to your growth.
-It is not always like, I could have easily done that. You really get a lot of opportunities to appreciate your manager and colleague.
-Since the team size is small, it is difficult to ignore efforts of any team member.
-Since the teams are more result oriented, they usually do not bother about work hours or working from home.
I am in no way comparing between the two, there are many positives and negatives of working in each one of them. But yes I've pointed out some of the basic points which will help to reorient ones perspective.
Project Manager
7 年Product based companies are those that creates some products and service based companies are those that works on these products (developed by product based companies). I appreciate Naval you brought this aspect based on your experience of working with both kind of companies. Keep Posting your experience on social network. We'll wait for next release ??