Which is the Better Choice: Plastic Straws, Paper Straws, or Something Else?
If you were part of a team running a roadside cafe and you had to make this choice, which one would you pick? That's the decision the teens at the Young Writers' Club had to make after a detailed discussion.
You have ordered this delicious milkshake. But somewhere along your experience is ruined. the straw is soggy and it feels like the paper is about come into your mouth. It completely ruins the experience. You might be someone who cares about the environment, but when this happens to you, you could flip back to plastic straws or would you persevere to find something better?
President Donald Trump's decision to put an end to the plastic straw ban and permit plastic straws across the country. ?Needless to say, it is expected that such a decision will only attract a lot of hue and cry. Can a simple straw attract so much attention? Well turns out it can. What will that decision will lead to or not is something that is hard for the common person to conclude. However, using this as an opportunity to pay more attention to the humble straw and learn more about it became the objective of our most recent session at the Young Writers' Club.
Simply setting out to find information about plastic vs paper straw would have been the most mundane assignment ever. Instead we chose pretend to be a team trying to set things up in cafe that was about to be opened. Nothing fancy. Just a humble, small, simple looking cafe serving milkshakes and coffee near the beach. One of the important items on the agenda was the matter of straw- plastic or paper or something else.
Every teen had a role to play.
The team touched upon various aspects such as the cost involved, the convenience factor, customer satisfaction and delivering on positive experiences, biodegradable aspect, safety aspect and even brand image! Kudos to the teens for playing their roles to perfection. Curious to know what was the decision they arrived at? Head to our publication showcasing all the spectacular work of the teens- Musings from the Young Writers' Club.
The Young Writers' Club is social platform that brings together teen writers with diverse interests, perspectives and experiences. Apart from writing to express themselves, they also engage in invigorating discussions, generally based on the latest news every week. Sign up for our newsletter for updates.