Which is the best book for organic chemistry for NEET?
Are you wondering which are the best books for NEET chemistry? Don’t worry, we are here to help. Choosing the best NEET- Study material is one of the hardest things to do. But don’t worry, we are here for you to ease that process. We will 2provide you with the best list of books available for NEET chemistry preparation so that you can easily crack your NEET 2022 exam.
Before you go out and buy a book, always keep in mind that the content you are about to receive should also assist you in increasing your knowledge about the topic.
We buy books to address our difficulties. Make sure that you are getting the right set of strategies. Do you ever sit back and think about why toppers, each year, praise the NCERT so much? Let’s give it a thought.
NCERT, the mother of all books for NEET 2022 Preparation:
When the boards are about to begin, the students study NCERT for a better percentage. The same goes for NEET because NCERT chemistry Class 11 and NCERT Class 12 books make the most of the NEET syllabus and hence, are recommended by top scorers and teaching professionals.
Best books for NEET Chemistry 2022:
As stated already, NCERT is one of the best courses to prepare for NEET. If the students might not find it sufficient enough, then they can go through the books given below.
NEET Chemistry Exam: Books with Section-Wise Reference.
Physical chemistry is mostly numerical problems and calculations. The section is mainly made up of Redox Reactions, Ionic and chemical equations, Students can prepare these topics to ace in physical chemistry. These topics can be easily addressed with the nelp of NCERT or PHysical chemistry by OP Tandon & P P Bahadur.
Apart from physical chemistry, Organic chemistry makes up for a lot of questions in the NEET Question paper. The students must be thorough with concepts like General Organic Chemistry. Here are a few books for General Organic Chemistry that the students can refer to.
Chemistry Textbook (NCERT) – Class 11 & 12
For Reaction mechanisms, students can refer to Organic chemistry by Morrison & Boyd.
Apart from this, OP Tondon & Arihant cover a lot of questions and can make a strong base in terms of accuracy for the student.
Among all of these sections, Inorganic chemistry is the easiest and scores the best for the candidate. Most of these questions are memory based and hence, the students must revise them more often. The skills can be mastered with the help of NCERT textbooks.
Why do I need Reference books?
Reference books make an important part of the whole exam preparation. They are also necessary because NCERT is more about the fundamentals and students need to work more than the fundamentals if they want to score well in NEET 2022.
NEET chemistry has a portion dedicated to MCQ’s. Going through the NCERT will somehow strengthen your base but you still need a book that could give you space to apply the knowledge that has been passed on to you via NCERT. That’s what the reference books do.