This is a nice question and one need to have a bit of astrology knowledge to understand the article.
According to KP astrology employment / career / profession is seen from 10th cuspal sublord and should signify 2,6,10 and 11th house.
But when this 10th cuspal sublord is signifying 5th and 9th house in their significance then it gives challenges to the native in his career as 5th house is 8th from the 10th house and the 9th house is 12th from the 10th house of profession which do not give good results for profession.
This is the first part of the answer which gives a straight forward answer.
BUT BUT BUT there are also few people having this same significance in their horoscope are still doing good in their profesion.
How is it possible then ? ? ?
Well here come the house utilization technique into play to understand the reasons of their good performance in their job in-spite of having the 5th and 9th signification of their 10th cuspal sublord.
If a person takes up job as per the 5th and 9th house then they will not have the job issue as they have utilized the negativity of 5th and 9th house by doing the jobs as per that house.
For example if a person, take up a job for teacher of acting then that person will not get any ill effects of the bad significance because the 5th house governs art and acting is an art and the 9th house govern teacher for higher studies and so the job is a perfect utilization of the negative significance.
But not every person is lucky to utilize it as they are not qualified as per the jobs of that house or because of some commitments.
So getting aligned with the horoscope will never keep a person unemployed, but not every people like the aligned job that suits them as per their knowledge / experience and qualification.
We have not talked about the mahadasha ruling period which also have their involvement when the ruling planet also signify 5th and 9th house in their signification during their ruling period.
I hope the readers understood about both side of the coin of employed and unemployed in astrology.