Which of These 7 Management Mistakes Do You Make?
Dr. John Loblack
Helping small to medium size nonprofits with strategic planning process.
At least one leader makes one of the seven mistakes every day?are you that leader?
The mistake itself is not the problem. The problem is the leader’s reluctance or refusal to accept responsibility for the mistake.
Instead of owning the mistake, the leader goes the extra mile to work around it or blames someone else.
Are you that leader?
Are you the leader who owns your mistakes, or do you smoothly point the finger at someone else?
When you shift responsibility, and blame someone else for your mistakes, you lose the respect and the credibility of those you lead.
Because no one is perfect, your team expects you to make mistakes. They also expect you to own up to them, especially when the mistakes are so obvious that a blind person could see them. However, when you accept responsibility for your mistakes, your team’s respect for you grows exponentially.
What follows are the seven mistakes that leaders make that derail their effectiveness. Study them and identify those you are guilty of making. Then, develop an approach to minimize their frequency.
Here are the everyday mistakes leaders make:
So, which mistake do you make?