Whether You Are Buying Socks, Tires, or Pretzels, You Can Rest Assured That Sex Is In The Mix.

Whether You Are Buying Socks, Tires, or Pretzels, You Can Rest Assured That Sex Is In The Mix.

Sexual Intercourse

I have heard the term sexual intercourse maybe ten times in the past thirty-five years. On the other hand, I am truly unable to even venture a guess as to how many times I have heard the word sex during that time. Likewise, I have seen the word sex countless times in the past four decades. This is not unique to me alone. I’m certain this is true for you as well. In fact, a variation of the word sex is heard and seen by millions of people daily—if not every hour, on the hour.

To clearly demonstrate this point, let’s consider several variations of this word with which we are most assuredly familiar: sexy, sexier, sexiest, sexual, sexuality, sexual relations, make love, hook up, sleep together, go all the way, bisexual, and transsexual. I could go on seemingly endlessly. Indeed, this list only touches the surface as it relates to how often we hear and see the word sex. The truth is that we are constantly bombarded with sex in its every form, almost without reprieve. Television, radio, magazines, advertisements, artists, musicians, and politicians relentlessly promote the topic of sex in every manner possible. Furthermore, friends, coworkers, classmates, and acquaintances broach and discuss this subject often. Plainly, the theme of sex is most prevalent in our lives every day. Why then do we rarely hear the phrase sexual intercourse? By contrast, why are we continually inundated with all things related to the word sex?

The answer lies in the fact that the term sexual intercourse is the proper, conservative, and God-fearing manner in which we should ethically communicate the embodiment of mankind’s sexuality in its entirety.

On the contrary, the manifestation of the word sex, both audibly and visually, is the improper, immoderate, and ungodly fashion in which we should morally convey the sexuality of humanity. Sexual intercourse is heterosexual. Sexual intercourse unambiguously identifies the presence of both a penis and a vagina. Sexual intercourse is an act necessarily performed between a man and a woman. The definition of sexual intercourse is specific and focused.

Conversely, the word sex is not explicitly heterosexual. It does not recognize the requisite existence of both the penis and the vagina by definition.

The word sex has a multitude of meanings. For instance, it can be used in reference to animals. As it relates to mankind, the word sex generally symbolizes any physical activity experienced, whether heterosexual or homosexual. The definition of the word sex is broad in its scope. Succinctly put, the meaning of sexual intercourse is particular while the meaning of sex is expansive. Thus, we seldom hear the term sexual intercourse, whereas, we frequently encounter the word sex. Sexual intercourse is beautifully and wondrously restricted and confined to an action performed between a man and a woman. Sexual intercourse cannot occur without the presence of both the man and the woman. The penis of a man must penetrate the vagina of a woman in order for sexual intercourse to transpire. This is the very meaning of sexual intercourse. This is undeniable. This is the truth. This truth is immutable. People cannot deny this, no matter how hard they try.

We live in an utterly wicked world. Iniquities abound. Sin confronts us in each facet of our lives. Immorality meets us at every turn. This is most clearly evident in the sexual realm of society today. How is this so? Sex is present everywhere. Sex is exalted and glorified nonstop. Sex sells. Whether you are buying socks, tires, or pretzels, you can rest assured that sex is in the mix. Notice that sexual intercourse is not. Why? The world vehemently despises the truth of sexual intercourse. The veritable limitations of sexual intercourse downright infuriate the world.

Mankind is thoroughly consumed with hatred for regulation. Humanity detests constraints of any kind. Human beings fervently crave nothing more than being a law unto themselves. They will not be stopped in achieving their earthly desires, goals, and pleasures. They must rule. Nothing shall deter them. Therefore, mankind vigorously endeavors to destroy any stipulation it faces. This is most certain in regards to sexual intercourse. The truth of sexual intercourse profoundly stands in direct opposition to the conceit and vanity of sex in society. The world knows this. Thus, it earnestly strives to conflate sex with sexual intercourse so that it slowly dismantles the virtuous standard of sexual intercourse little by little.

You see, each member of society comprehends the honorable principle of sexual intercourse and its tremendous benefits. As such, it’s impossible for this truth to be thoroughly and instantaneously abolished. Therefore, the world slowly infiltrates the fortress of sexual intercourse. Society does not carry out, all at once and forcefully, a full frontal attack on this stronghold. Of course, it does not. Its citizens would obviously perceive such an assault. Hence, its people would passionately resist this attempted onslaught and fight against it. So what does the world do? It gradually introduces corruptible elements of sexuality into the practice of sexual intercourse.

First, the world cautiously appeals to the pleasure that its members experience as a result of sexual intercourse. Next in a measured manner, the world instructs its inhabitants that such delight can be enjoyed apart from godly, traditional sexual intercourse. It progressively reveals evidence that earthly gratification can be achieved through any sexual activity. Once it has proven that such elation is possible, society becomes more brazen. It informs its residents that it’s improper to deny themselves such self-satisfaction. Following this, society apprises its members that they truly deserve to live in the full awareness of sexual pleasure as often as they desire. Thereafter, the world discloses to its citizens that they should ardently seek this secular, sexual bliss always. Finally, the world pointedly expresses to its people that they must continually strive to realize themselves only in the light of their carnal sexuality. In living this salacious life alone, society promises its citizens sincere personal fulfillment.

We must clearly understand that the world in which we live is evil. Unrighteousness flourishes and thrives. We cannot lose sight of this. We must acknowledge and confess that we are created and commanded to live in this world but not of it. Because we are sinful, this is difficult. Nonetheless, we know that our God graciously furnishes us with the will, desire, and strength to fervidly fight against sin and Satan in this life. As such, we must not allow ourselves to be tempted by the world.

How can we best achieve this? We must recognize that the vast majority of people in this world are truly crafty. They are sinners, just as we are. Consequently and by design, they charismatically charm us with the sin of this world. They present immorality as enchanting rather than condemnable. In a seemingly innocent manner, they proclaim that executing depravity is acceptable. “After all, we are sinners, right? Why, therefore, should we not be allowed to enjoy sin in this life?” they say. By this, they really mean that we ought to take every opportunity to cast aside our consciences in order to simply relax and relish transgression.

They attempt to cast doubt on our beliefs by asserting that piety is an impediment to enjoyment. They claim moderation to be a restriction and unhappiness. With purpose, they stealthily aim to separate us from our convictions. They cleverly exhibit themselves as good people in spite of their love of sin. In an apparently humble fashion, they reference their lives as noteworthy examples of being able to delight in the indulgence of impiety without suffering physical or spiritual affliction as a consequence of their behaviors. The world points out that they truly have it all. They do what they want when they want, and they never endure any ill effects.

They say to us, “See? Look at our possessions. Look. We own multiple cars, motorcycles, boats, and snowmobiles. We have procured numerous parcels of land. We boast the rights to many businesses. We vacation often. We fish, hunt, ski, and travel as it suits our fancy. Our every whim is easily attained. Believe us. Our wrongdoing is never a hindrance to our exuberance. In fact, the more we seek our own selfish lusts and desires, the more we acquire belongings and obtain happiness. Our lives are untroubled and content. We are at ease.”

They understand this is alluring to our flesh. They know our sinful natures crave to live as such. They perceive that we are enticed. They yearn to remove the rigid righteous layers of our souls piece by piece. They subtly compel us to surrender our principled judgements. In this, they persist. Their objective must be secured. We must relinquish to them the tender innermost region of our existences. They lie in wait, ready to devour us. All the while, they befriend us deceitfully pledging devotion to us. They endlessly prey upon our weaknesses and frailties and astutely feign interest in our sincere tranquility. Make no mistake. The world never ceases in this undertaking. Without fail, it vigorously pursues this endeavor until we willingly forswear our faith.

What will we do? Will we acquiesce on account of its cunning manipulation? Will we eagerly hand over our warm beating hearts for it to consume? I pray not. God, grant us foresight to recognize this calculated, wily effort of the world. Never leave or forsake us unto ourselves. Be our refuge. Graciously allow us the desire and expertise to skillfully and forcefully resist this foe. Create in us hearts anew each day, henceforth, willing and ready to zealously stand against and earnestly fight this adversary. Mercifully provide us the victory over this powerful, earthly enemy daily. Be our strength.

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