Wherever you are on your lean journey, you rock!
I’ve got to tell you guys, I love my job! I get to travel around the country, visit all kinds of construction projects, meet interesting people, and talk about topics that I truly believe in – respect for people, continuous improvement, flow, collaboration, innovation – in a nutshell, lean. I managed my first project using the Last Planner? System in 2002, and I haven’t looked back since. I still learn new things every day, from other coaches, authors, conferences, and often from my clients. Just a few weeks ago, I saw one of my teams using a really simple prep technique to ensure their weekly meetings are meaningful and result in a great plan for the upcoming week. (I’ll be stealing that idea. ??)
I am constantly honing my message to better communicate the meaning, purpose, and benefits of lean. In doing that, I need to remember that, while I have had about 20 years (since my first lean class) to process, understand, and experience the way lean can transform a construction project, most of the people I’m addressing are learning it for the first time. Also, this isn’t just a new concept that they’re learning about. They are, by virtue of their presence, agreeing to change the way they do their jobs – jobs in which they are already experts. That’s huge! That’s brave! That deserves respect!
I know that embarking on a lean journey is scary. I also know that a lot of the folks heading out on that journey didn’t choose it. It was a directive from upper management, or an owner requirement, or a construction management decision. I stand in front of groups, and I get the push back, the resistance, (let’s be honest) the contempt. You know what, though. I don’t mind one bit. I understand it. It's new. You should have questions. You should have skepticism. You should force me to defend, explain, and articulate. You are on a path to improvement, and you deserve all of the information and guidance that you can get along the way.
What I’m trying to say is, no matter who you are – lean champion, leader, reluctant practitioner – or where you are on the journey – just learning, getting the hang of it, killing it – you all rock!
PS – I’m on Twitter, and I am just tickled every time I get a new follower! Please follow me @G3C_Consulting.
Julie Glassmeyer is the Owner of Glassmeyer Construction Consulting & Coaching, LLC (G3C). Julie applies her 26 years of commercial construction management and planning experience to support individuals and organizations in their efforts to reach the next level of performance excellence. G3C, LLC, specializes in Lean Construction and Professional Writing. For more information, please visit www.glassmeyerconsulting.com, or contact Julie at [email protected] or 513.635.2730. Follow her on Twitter - @G3C_Consulting!