Wherever is Everywhere ~ You Go …
Joshua 1:9 ~ Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.?
Abba Father good morning ~ What a promise for our everyday life within this very moment as life’s brokenness comes full-force. Living strong and courageous, not terrified or discouraged will take persevering faith as the foundation of the ways of this world crumbles within ungodliness. No matter where we go in life satan attempts to bring instability. Remember, Our Living God is always within our life. Deep within our heart, our mind, our soul; our inner-core of thriving life an unshakable foundation of binding-strength within boldness lives courageousness within fearlessness. That is powerful. The Lord Our God purposefully creating, uniquely designing, intimately putting into motion every moment throughout this day with specific intentions of drawing our life intimately closer. Faithfully engaging our imperfect sinful life within intimacy of agape love actively breathing life-changing goodness into life. Breathing encouragement to live-strong. Courageousness to live-bold. Fearlessness to actively move-forward as life comes full-force moment by moment as our life unfolds in full-view of the ways of this world. This powerful life-changing scripture. This command to live strong and courageous, not terrified or discouraged is a promise within The Lord Our God to be within our life wherever we go. No moment will our life ever be un-provided, unattended, uncared, unloved. Remember ~ There will be times the ways of this world will feel almost unbearable. Our life will encounter complete ugliness within hardships, burdens, heaviness, brokenness, ungodliness. Everyday struggles to survive will become real moments in life. Everyone will encounter times of uncertainties. Our way of life will be actively challenged by satan’s embedded darkness of ungodliness thriving within the ways of this world attempting to influence our life, our family, our friends. Enduring times of hardships, struggles, trials, temptations, uncertainties might not be easy, but at times actually extremely challenging. The living bible teaches who to trust. What to believe. Where to turn. How to survive difficult times of distress. Reading, holding, embracing the living bible willingly will bring comforting stability, calming discernment, strengthening wisdom to our everyday life within uncertainties of life’s brokenness. We will engage The Lord Our God who willingly actively breathes agape love into all of life personally, unconditionally, intimately. Every life mattering preciously. Every life is breathing undeserved grace. Remember, not every life understands The Lord Our God’s agape love actively breathing God’s powerful cleansing, redeeming, restorational undeserved grace intimately breathing everlasting life (Holy Spirit) into life’s brokenness (our sinfulness) within anointed sustainable life (Christ Jesus) within everlasting life in heaven (Abba Father). Our Living God provides strength to the weak, courage to the fearful, living hope to the hopeless, agape love to the unloved, sacrificial forgiveness to the unforgiven, everlasting life in heaven to the living-dead. Opening our heart, our mind, our soul to The Lord Our God’s truthfulness allows the living bible to penetrate deeply within our inner-core of thriving life. Our life will breathe new passion within new everlasting life. Willingly believing, accepting, trusting, following within Our Living God, Our Lord Christ Jesus, Holy Spirit; our sinful life engages a life of undeserved grace actively breathing anointed promises to never leave us, never forsake us, never abandon us. A life where we willingly breathe strength to live strong, strength to live courage, strength to live not terrified, strength to not live discouraged wherever we go. Willingly engaging this Living Trinity; our life will actively breathe living hope, agape love, sacrificial forgiveness, everlasting life in heaven. Deep within our heart, our mind, our soul will live intimacy thriving within boldness, courageousness, fearlessness as life’s brokenness is miraculously healed intimately within The Lord Our God’s powerful life-changing undeserved grace. This is living life at its very best. Remember. Within this life it’s critical who we trust? What we believe. Who we follow? Where we turn? How we live? Our life will actively breathe upon the ways of this world what actively lives within our heart, our mind, our soul. We have a choice, a decision, a way of life to choose. We can engage the ways of this world living within satan’s weakening ungodliness of everlasting chaotic darkness. Or willingly live actively breathing life at its very best thriving intimately within God the Father ~ God the Son ~ God the Holy Spirit. Willingly engaging life-changing undeserved grace actively breathing everlasting life into life’s brokenness within anointed sustainable life within everlasting life in heaven. Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go. This anointed promise is vibrantly intimately alive. Protectively engaging our sinful life of brokenness. When everyday life comes full-force; this intimate promise vibrantly lives thriving within this moment my friend.?
Father ~ Thank you for engaging my sinful life with living affirmation. Free-gifts encouraging me to actively live boldly-strong and fearlessly-courageous, not terrified or discouraged. Abba Father ~ Intimately breathe anointed blessing of binding-strength into all my life’s brokenness. Intimately teach-me. Protectively lead-me. Purposefully show-me how to live. I will need help living within boldness, courageousness, fearlessness thriving within you forever Abba Father, Lord Jesus, Holy Spirit.
Michael J Zenner
CBRN/Emergency Response Analyst at JG System Analytical and. Integration Consulting LLC
1 年Amen!