Where is your BRAIN @ ?
Halima Mohiuddin FIN, MIS, HCMGT
Campus Dean |Executive Leadership Expert Columnist @ Higher Education Digest?
After several years of research and numerous in-depth discussions with many scholars and professionals across various industries, I have reached a conclusion that if your toes are getting in the way of progress you are not a "true leader". Leaders function with their brains and the team members who let their toes get ahead of their brains are detrimental to an organization's growth and development. Brains evaluate and respond with intellectual acuity and focus on what is right, where as feet focus on who is right.
It is imperative for a forward thinking organization that it's professionals learn how to keep their personal sensitivities separate from the organizational development because they can not only be very different in many cases but can be conflicting at times. Brains will always support and contribute to every effort that benefits the organization and the team collectively, even if it takes the spot light away from them. Feet on the other hand will throw a professional tantrum and sabotage all effort complaining that their feet are being stepped on and everything needs to be stopped. Instead of objectively and subjectively evaluating the pros and cons of the change, they simply reject it without any consideration for how badly it would effect their organization.
It is always good to keep evaluating ourselves to make sure that we are leading with our brains and are not in anyway being close minded to new ideas/strategies/tools/technologies/changes breed of professionals that simply retard or sabotage growth and development because everything lands on their toes.
I recently met a renowned scholar and was surprised to see that despite his well established role and widely recognized stature his growth and development efforts were facing fierce resistance because people said their toes were being stepped on. My question to all those cry babies is Where's your BRAIN @????? Who in the world invited your feet into business growth. Seriously is that how you're going to throw a corporate tantrum, shame on you.
Now don't get me wrong here I don't encourage or promote unprofessional intervention of micromanagement of professionals at all. I am a very devout proponent of forming collaborative teams with mutual respect and equal participation. However I believe that organizations suffer a great deal on account of the professionals who simply resist progress because they are not the ones initiating it or they are not competent enough to lead.