Where's Wally: Making e-SIMs Tangible

Where's Wally: Making e-SIMs Tangible

In a world that increasingly deals in invisible products, do we still need packaging for them? Many of the products being bought now are becoming invisible to our physical world, they reside almost exclusively either behind the scenes of the devices we purchase or in the Internet 4.0.?


Questions concerning how important packaging is also takes on the sustainability conversation. Is there any point in utilizing materials if all they do is increase a brand's carbon footprint and enrage their customers - even if the packaging in question ensures that the product is perfect?


e-SIMs are a great example of how a product has become invisible to the eye of the consumer, but it's still important that it has packaging. The e-SIM is the latest disruptor in the ever-changing telecommunications industry, (if you would like to know more about the e-SIM and how it differs to the i-SIM and traditional SIM card?follow this link?to find a range of BPAK articles focusing on the topic) and the opportunities it brings are going to invite more of the same breakthroughs. These breakthroughs are going to be similar to the latest addition to the SIM family, the i-SIM. It's smaller, it fits onto the actual processor of the device and it has more power. It doesn't necessarily need packaging to sell a network's package - especially since most users will probably be changing their providers via apps or websites; but if you assume that all are doing that then you are leaving out a range of customers who either don't know how to connect via that way or don't have the ability to.


For example:

Someone is traveling to a different country or state, they get to the airport and realize that where they are going isn't covered by their current provider. What can they do? Suddenly in duty-free they spot a shop selling network packages - there's no physical SIM but the PAK holds a personalized QR code and activation instructions. Voila! The customer can easily add the new network to their SIM and change over when they get to their destination. Problem solved.?


However, if you decide not to package your new network options, you're leaving out the possibility of up-selling in-store and being visible when a potential customer is looking for a new package. A customer isn't going to buy what they can't see, no matter how sophisticated technology gets.?




Q: Do you still need packaging??


A: Of course you do!


Q: But I don't understand why


A: That's what the next section's for:


We know that it might be hard to believe that you still need packaging for a product you aren't actually physically selling. However, your brand needs packaging now more than ever because there is no physical product being sold. Before the advent of the e-SIM and i-SIM telecommunication companies had a tangible connection to their customer which helped to cement that relationship and remind the customer who they were paying. Now? You don't have that. So here are 5 facts about the power of packaging that will make you realize just how important it is in swaying consumer decisions:



Packaging actually helps a customer to have a dopamine hit?because it increases the anticipation of getting the product and the impact that they believe that product will have on their life. Removing a tangible interaction will decrease the dopamine hit and potentially get your brand by-passed.



There are approximately?1 billion differently abled individuals?across the globe. Some of these individuals will find it more difficult to access your SIM package if it is on an app or website - so make your product as accessible as possible to all of your potential customers. The more you cater to, the more revenue you'll get.



63%?of consumers are more likely to purchase a product from the packaging than the actual item. Think about it for a moment, no one actually gets excited about a new data package. It's something you buy because you need it - so it's best to make it as interesting packaging-wise as possible.



81%?of consumers have tried something new because of the packaging a product or service came in. This statistic alone shows the power of packaging, the ability it has to reach out and make a customer want what is inside of it so much that they part with their hard-earned money to find out for themselves. That's what the consumer experience is, piquing a potential customer's curiosity so much that they buy the product without trying, seeing or testing it before-hand.



Consumers can see packaging from?12 feet away?and recognise the brand. From 3 feet away the consumer can begin to interact with the packaging, and from 1 foot away the consumer will decide whether to pick up the packaging or not. Your packaging has the power to literally reel a customer in - why wouldn't you take that opportunity even if there is no physical product in the packaging?


If you would like to discuss the packaging potentials for e-SIMs get in touch with the BPAK team today on [email protected]




