Where's the revolution?

Where's the revolution?

The Oceans are our lungs. We can plant sea grass but once the eco system is lost so are we. So how do we combat that?

Firstly we need to admit there's a problem. Human nature is to ignore (and not worry) about stuff before it happens.

Well i can tell you it is happening right now before our very eyes. Like it or not we will be swimming in our own #plasticwaste in the very near future if we dont change things and quickly.

Everything we know and love will change and we only have ourselves to blame. We have been duped into believing the #2050 rule that we can "sustain life" and hang on until then.

That a total fiction and worst of all an outright lie spread by the #FossilFuel #cartels and their #greenwashing spin masters and world leaders.since the mid 1970's to extend the shelf (or should be shell life?) or the #oilandgas industry.

2050 is a lie. We don't have 30 year, we probably don't have 10 to get to grips

Where's the revolution?

  1. We need to stop buying #fossilfuel #products and make the #Switch2Electric sooner rather than later. I know its not cheap or even affordable yet, but here we are, whether we Like it or not #Change happens its just whether we choose to except.

There are affordable options now (here's just one)

Kia has a great range of cool and affordable and luxury (plus premium cars ) there is more excuses we need to do and do it soon.

If #when we lose the Arctic ice (and there is no doubt that is increasing #sealevel rise we will lose the oceans current, most marine life will be gone by (I'm not going to give you a date) but to use a non technical term (we're screwed)

So my message to you all is this. Take this seriously our very existance is at risk. If we don't we will not only lose our way of life (as we know it) but any chance of a future legacy for our kids.


This will be their future if we are not careful and once its gone its gone for good.

Rant over lets get to grips with this. We have a beautiful planet and a fantastic life (with its problems sure) but we have options to improve it now, lets not through that way (with the #plastic )

Dont let BigOil decide our #Futures lets #endfossilfuels before they end us.

Written in English (please feel free to translate to send around the world to your followers) in your own languages.

As Charles Darwin discovered we are are all one global family all inter-connect with nature and we need to get back to our roots before its too late.


Researched and written from the #Heart by

John D F

Global Marketing and Partnerships Director

RadPlanet Friendly Industries - For Everyone, Everywhere even #Outer #Space


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