Where's my Diagram?
The second Agile manifesto, working software over comprehensive documentation, makes it seem like we're all too busy coding to create a diagram.? And so it should come as no surprise when I keep asking for non-existent diagrams.
"The potential problem with building right away is not understanding the significance behind the what and why," observed UX Planet's Tiffany Eaton. "It is important to validate your idea right away through sketching and prototyping."
Are we really too busy to create diagrams?? Do we really have so much faith in our coding?? It sounds kind of entitled like everybody getting an award at camp.? Is anyone thinking about code quality?? Why not have a dress rehearsal?
There's a rehearsal scene in Birdcage, where Nathan Lane complains about his partner's gum chewing. "It helps me think," the partner responds. "You're wasting your gum," Nathan Lane quips.? But, at least, they're rehearsing.
But comparing software development to the performing arts is more than just a punchline. Shouldn't we take the time to create a diagram if not a prototype?? Otherwise, we may waste someone else's time with fixing our technical debt.
We cannot afford to ignore all documentation because we'd rather be coding. This puts our customers at risk.? And the fix-it-forward rationale, at a minimum, elevates operational risk and could become your company's next outage maker.
So, we should diagram before committing to code.? But I find this is rarely done.? Perhaps, this is an unintended consequence of Agile but a consequence nevertheless. So download a flowcharting tool and start making a diagram!
And the result of the diagram will probably be that you'll need to prototype it before you can finish sketching it.? So the diagram becomes the first part of an overall prototyping strategy. Now you know why I keep asking for diagrams.?